Instructional Design Timeline

  • Federal Government creates training

    The Division of Visual Aids for War Training is created in order to train and prepare civilians for times of war. Psychologists such as Robert Gagne, Leslie Briggs and John Flanagan help create training materials.
  • WWII

    During this time (1943-1945) the U.S. Air Force produces training films to show military personnel.
  • Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication

    Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication
    This model is introduced and focuses on communication between the sender (instructor) and receiver (students). Considered to be a baseline communication model.
  • Federal Communications Commission

    The FCC sets aside channels in order to make room for education channels for public viewing.
  • B.F. Skinner

    B.F. Skinner
    Skinner's "The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching" is published. For learners, Skinner emphasizes on instructional materials and their adherence to maximizing learning potential.
  • Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

    Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
    Bloom publishes the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. This hierarchy of learning is used to indicate the various levels of learning for students. Objectives should go along with what type of learning the student will conduct.
  • Robert Mager

    Robert Mager
    Mager introduces "Preparing Objectives for Programming Design". Objectives are a necessity in learning. Students must comprehend what is expected of them and the goal that shall be achieved.
  • Robert Gagne: Conditions of Learning Theory

    Robert Gagne: Conditions of Learning Theory
    This theory outlines nine instructional processes that adhere to the learner. They are as follows:
    Gaining attention (reception)
    Informing learners of the objective (expectancy)
    Stimulating recall of prior learning (retrieval)
    Presenting the stimulus (selective perception)
    Providing learning guidance (semantic encoding)
    Eliciting performance (responding)
    Providing feedback (reinforcement)
    Assessing performance (retrieval)
    Enhancing retention and transfer (generalization
  • Instructional Design terms

    Terms such as instructional design, instructional systems, system development are all being used and becoming familiar in order to describe various models of learning
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    U.S. Military

    The United States of America military begins adapting various instructional design models to train its soldiers and personnel
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    ID Graduate Programs

    During the 80's, graduate programs concentrating on Instructional Design are beginning to take shape and offered throughout the country.
  • Technology

    As the instructional design world progresses so does the advancement of technology. Along with each advancement, ID's begin to utilize its effectiveness in training. An increase in internet usage to deliver instruction is seen.
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    Technology and ID

    As rapid advancement in technology moves forward, so does instructional design. With the ability to reach learners all over the world, ID creators are able create one of a kind material to present to students.