
innovation in the 13 colonies

By sstolba
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower Compact was one of the first writen constitution for the united states of America!
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    the Steam Engine was invented during the 13 colonies to run locomotives and steamships! We still use locomotives a lot for transportation today!
  • Farming

    When the Pilgrims moved the America the Native Americans helped the start farming. Some things that are very popular that they grew were Tobacco, Corn, and Beans. The plant that was grow more was Tobacco because they got alot of money off of it. Tobacco, beans, and corn are still grown today.
  • Tinware

    They began selling their crafted products door to door, which credited them for inventing the Yankee Peddlers. Tinware may be used today for making drinks or other stuff.
  • Stove

    The stove was created by Franklin to burn wood and keep houses warm. Some people who live in older houses have stoves that they still use to keep there houses heated or they might just use it as an average fire place.
  • Electricity

    Benjamin Franklin invented/figured out about electricity in 1747 when he was flying a kite and it got struck by lightning. That was the most popular invention! Electricity is used so much today to keep out ligths on or to keep the heat and air runnign through your house.
  • refrigerator

    In Newport, Delaware was born Oliver Evans - an inventor of the refrigerator. That is still used today for keeping food and drinks cold.
  • Eyeglasses

    Two lenses in the same eyeglass. Many people wear glasses today to see.
  • glass armonica

    glass armonica
    Franklin invented a glass armonica that works a lot like a xylophone. Some people in a band my use one of these.
  • Puzzle

    In that year was invented the jigsaw puzzle. Its inventor was the Englishman John Soilsbury. People still use these today as a game or something to do on their free time.