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Infants and Childhood- Language Development

  • Birth to six months:

    Birth to six months:
    It all begins in infancy. From birth until around 6 months, babies make a great deal of noise. They squeal, squeak, growl, yell, and give us raspberries. And they coo. Cooing is basically the production of what will later become vowels (a, e, i, o, and u).
  • Period: to

    Infancy and Childhood- Language Development (Desiree Penrod)

    Refers to the process wherein the individual acquires the ability to use the verbal symbols of his/her language for communication of needs, social interaction, and the understanding and expression of complex thought. At birth, all normal individuals possess the capacity to acquire the language in which they are raised; such capacity is "hard wired" and is governed by a process encoded in the DNA.
  • Two to four months:

    Two to four months:
    Verbal play through cooing, gooing and laughing. Vowel sounds heard such as ooohh, eee, and ahhh.
    Turns head toward sounds and can begin to discriminate one sound from another.
  • Four to eight months:

    Babbling begins. Some Consonant sounds can be heard.
    Anticipates an event (e.g. peek-a-boo) and follows a line of regard (e.g. visually follows toy moving across floor) as well as joint attention (i.e. is capable of visually attending to object with caregiver).
  • Five months

    Five months
    By around age 5 months, babies are learning the musical sound and speech patterns of their caregiver's native language, which is the language they hear the most. As they continue to practice making sounds, they will begin imitating their first sound patterns. Also around this age, babies are using non-verbal cues to communicate their thoughts and feelings to those around them. They will cling to their caregivers, push them away when upset, and turn their heads when they don't like something.
  • Six to ten months:

    Six to ten months:
    From 6 months to about 10 months, they produce somewhat more complicated sounds called babbling. First, they practice their vowels more precisely, starting with the round, back vowels (oo, oh, ah...) and working their way to the unrounded front vowels (ee, eh, ay...). The first consonants are h, m, and b, which can be combined with the vowels to make syllables. Soon, they add p, t, d, n, w, f, v, and y. A little while later, they add k, g, and ng. Then they start adding s and z. It takes a
  • Adding letters to make sounds:

    Then they start adding s and z. It takes a little longer for babies to get sh, ch, j, and the infamous th sounds. The very last sounds are l and r. This is why you hear them pronouncing works as oddly as they sometimes do. Fis does fine for fish, soozies for shoes, Wobbut for Robert, Cawa for Carla, and so on. But keep in mind that they can perceive far more than they can pronounce -- something appropriately called the fis phenomenon.
  • Six months

    Six months
    Vocalization with intonation
    Responds to his name
    Responds to human voices without visual cues by turning his head and eyes
    Responds appropriately to friendly and angry tones
  • Eight to twelve months:

    Eight to twelve months:
    Syllable variation (e.g. badugatadudah). First word approximations (e.g. dada for daddy). Non-verbal communication. Jargon (i.e. unintelligible speech) is present.
    Relates words with physical objects (e.g. understands that the word “ball” actually means the object ball). Responds to simple phrases such as “no”.