Baby 1

Infant Development

  • 1 to 4 months, phisical-emotional-social

    1 to 4 months, phisical-emotional-social
    moves reflexively, can keep head in midposistion of body when lying on tummy, shows active body movement, On tumm, can lift head and chest from surface using arms for support.
  • 5 to 6 months, physical-emotional-social

    5 to 6 months, physical-emotional-social
    on back, can lift head and shoulders off surface, rools from back to tummy. Recognizes and responds to own name, Grabs at any and all objects in reach. Begin to show fearful behavior, enjoys playing with children.
  • 7 months. physical- emotional-social

    7 months. physical- emotional-social
    Crawls awkwardly, combining movements on tummy and knees, Anticipate events, May show more dependence on caregiver for security
  • 8 months. Physical- emotional-social

    8 months. Physical- emotional-social
    Sit alone steadily for longer periods of time, Likes to empty and fill containers, Exhibits fear of strangers.
  • 9 months

    9 months
    Sits alone, may try to crawl up stairs, may be able to move along furniture, touching it for support.
  • 10 months Physical-emotional-social

    10 months Physical-emotional-social
    Likes to walk holding caaregivers hand, cries left often, speaks first recognizable word.
  • 11 months. Physical-emotional-social

    11 months. Physical-emotional-social
    Stands alone, May not always want to be cooperative, can point to body parts.
  • 1 year. Physical-emotional-social

    1 year. Physical-emotional-social
    Attempts to stand alone, Likes to control others and give them orders, Wants own way in everything.