infant development

  • 1 - 3 months

    1 - 3 months
    Moves reflexively. -Physical: physical body changes in a growing individual.
    Shows some interest in sounds, but most vocalizing is still crying. -Cognitive: Growth in the mental processes used to gain knowledge.
    Whimpers when hungry, chortles when content. -Emotional;
    Infant: Term used to refer to a child from birth through the first year of life.
  • 4 months

    4 months
    Swipes at objects, gradually improving aim. -Physical: physical body changes in a growing individual
    Explores toys by grasping, sucking, shaking, and banging. -Cognitive: Growth in the mental processe used to gain knowledge.
    Responds to continued warmth and affection. -Social: Growth in the two related areas of social and emotional skills.
    Becomes unresponsive if left alone most of waking hours. - Emotional
  • 5 - 6 months

    5 - 6 months
    Grabs objects with either hand. -Physical: body changes in one individual
    Smiles at self in mirror. -Cognitive; Used to gain Knowledge.
    May begin to show fearful behavior as separateness is felt. -Emotional
    May be able to play the peek-a-boo game. Social; Growth in the two related areas.
    Sits in a tripod position using arms for support. -Physical
    Grabs at any and all objects in reach. -Cognitive
    Enjoys playing with children. -Social
    Likes attention and may cry to get it. - Emotional
  • 7 - 8 months

    7 - 8 months
    Likes to bounce when in standing position. -Physical 7
    Thoroughly enjoys company of siblings. Social 7
    Crawls. -Physical 8
    May anticipate being left and become disturbed. Emotional 8
    Physical: body changes in a growing individual
    Social: Growth in the two related areas of social and emotional skills.
  • 9 months

    9 months
    Uses index finger to point, lead, and poke. -Physical
    Responds appropriately to a few specific words. -Cognitive
    May show a fear of new sounds. -Emotional
    Performs for others, repeats act if applauded. -Social

    Physical: body changes in a growing individual
    Social: Growth in the two related areas of social and emotional
    Cognitive;Used to gain knowledge
  • 10 months

    10 months
    Likes to walk holding caregiver's hands. -Physical: body changes in a growing individual
    Speaks first recognizable word. -Cognitive; Used to gain knowledge
    Enjoys music and may mimic movements others make to music. -Social
    Fears strange places. -Emotional
  • 11 months

    11 months
    Takes off shoes and socks. -Physical: body changes in one growing individual
    Likes to look at pictures in a book. -Cognitive:Used to gain knowledge
    May not always want to be cooperative. -Emotional
    Tests caregivers to determine limits. - Social
  • 12 months

    12 months
    Climbs up and down stairs. -Physical: body changes in one growing individual
    Waves good-bye. -Cognitive:Used to gain knowledge
    May have tantrums. -Emotional
    Likes to practice communication with adults. -Social