infancy timeline

  • first few months

    this stage last from birth up until 2 years old. within the first few months the babies begin to smile more often, calm themselves down with their own hands. as far as language/ communication goes the baby can make sounds such as gurgling sounds and can turn head towards the sounds. there thinking/learning area, the baby begins to pay attention to faces, and people at a distance, and begins to fuss if he or she gets bored with the current activity. they can push up as they are lying.
  • 1 year

    the baby is shy and nervous around strangers. the baby cries when mom and dad leaves them. favors activities, toys, and people. the baby repeats actions or sounds to get your attention. he or she will also play small hand games with you. the baby responds to spoken requests and can wave or shake his head for responding. the baby now repeats everything you say. you will begin to see more exploring, finding hidden toys, and uses objects correctly such as drinking water from a cup.
  • 2 years

    the child is now copying other children especially adults. they will get excited with other children. they show more independence and will do the things there parents told them not too. the child can point to the picture that is called out. they know names of familiar people and body parts. they can say sentences with up to 2-4 words. the child can now find objects hidden under a couple of layers. can sort shapes and colors. the child can stand on there tippy toes, kick a ball, run.