Industrial revolution timeline

  • The great Potato Famine

    The great Potato Famine
    This was when a great famine hit the Irish population in Ireland. There was long period of Famine, disease and starvation.
  • The Industrial Revolution

    This was when Great Britian began to come up with machines and new inventions as a result of the food surplus. This was also around the time that Britian restricted their borders to keep industrial secrets from leaving the country. The penantly for leaving the country with any sort of blueprints or secrets was death.
  • the scramble for Africa

    the scramble for Africa
    This was when many Eurpean countries started to go and colonize and imperialized Africa for it's resources. Also for the people living there.
  • First Threshing Machine

    First Threshing Machine
    Was used to seperate grains from stocks and husks, Helped to speed up the process of clothes making.
  • Brigdewater Canal opens

    Brigdewater Canal opens
    Built to transport coal from Duke of Bridgewater's mines to industrial areas. Helped to transport goods faster.
  • The Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny
    Automatic weaving warp of the weaving in the clothes. Improved the speed of clothing.
  • Spinning Mule

    Spinning Mule
    Spun more yarn faster and better than by the hands of workers. Improved clothing speed.
  • Watts first effective steam machine

    Watts first effective steam machine
    The invention of the steam engine used boiled water to power itself. It was an easier and faster way to transport.
  • French Revolution

    The citizens of France stormed the Bastille and stole the weapons and ammunition. They then defeated the government, got the Constitution they fought for and gained rights.
  • Cotton Gin is created

    Cotton Gin is created
    It helped harvest cotton faster than by hand and revulutionized the cotton industry
  • The bannning of Slavery

    Slavery was is now officially abolished in France and years after other countries soon follow.
  • Opium wars

    Opium wars
    Europeans were desperate to trade with China. So they snuck in opium, the raw material in cocaine, got the Chinese addicted to it and started selling it to the Chinese resulting in China fighting for it.
  • Opening Japan's Ports

    This was when American Naval Commander, Matthew Perry went to Japan and forced them to open their doors to the outside world by useing his Ships and Cannons.
  • First Trans-Atlantic Cable

    First cable is completed making communication take less time. It spanned across the country.
  • Trans-continental Railroad

    This was the construction of a railroad that went from one side of the United States to the other, furthering transportation and communication.
  • Meiji Restoration

    This was when the emperor of Japan was trying to industrialize and had gotten rid of the Samurai class and attempting to bring in European culture. Women did not change much but the men changed their looks, the way they act. Japan became westernized.
  • Bell invents the telephone

    Bell invents the telephone
    invents the telephone further shortening the time it takes to communicate
  • the Machine Gun

    the Machine Gun
    Maxim invents the Machine gun furthering the power of mass murdering.
  • Shino-Japanese War

    This was when Japan had some conflict with China. Japan was expanding and met Cina on the island of Korea. Both China and Japan needed the resources and land so they naturally fouht over it.
  • The Boxer rebellion

    Many countries claimed trade rights to China, Open door policy was put into place.
  • First Zeppelin

    First Zeppelin
    The first zeppelin was built and it quickened travel and trade along with communication.
  • Russo-Japanese war

    This was when Russia and Japan both need more land and more resources. The two countries went and fought over the island of manchuria for it's resources and land.
  • Henry Ford invents Model-T

    Henry Ford invents Model-T
    First car model was invented by Henry Ford, making travel easier.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    France started to work on the canal in 1881 and was completed in 1914. Shortened trade routes and lowered costs.
  • The Trans-Siberian Railroad

    The Trans-Siberian Railroad
    this was a railroad that connected one side of Russia to the other. This helped shorten the time needed for trade and travel.