Industrial Revolution inventors

  • Jethro Tull

    Jethro Tull
    Perfected horse drawn seed drill; sowed seeds in neat rows. His methods were adopted by large landowners and they helped form the basis of modern agriculture.
  • Thomas Newcomen

    Thomas Newcomen
    Invented the first practical steam engine for pumping water; call ther Newcomen Steam Engine.
  • John Kay

    John Kay
    Invented the flying shuttle. Quickened the weaving process. Saved labor and only need 1 operater.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    Improved Thomas Newcomen's Engine. Developed sporadically from1763- 1775.
  • James Hargreaves

    James Hargreaves
    Invented the spinning jenny. Produced cotton weft. Several threads could be spun at once.
  • Richard Arkwright

    Richard Arkwright
    Invented water frame. The water frame twisted the threads to make yarn.
  • Robert Fulton

    Robert Fulton
    American engineer. Credited for steamboat.
  • Henry Cort

    Henry Cort
    Began refining iron to pig iron to wrought iron. Patented Puddling Process for refining iron ore.
  • Edmund Cartwright

    Edmund Cartwright
    Invented the power loom.
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney
    Invented interchangable parts, milling machine, but most importantly, the cotton gin. Cotton gin was a device that removed the seeds from cotton.
  • Alessandro Volta

    Alessandro Volta
    Invented batteries. Credited for first electrochemical cell.
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson
    Built the first inter-city public railway line in the world to use steam locomotives. The Liverpool and Manchester Railway.