Industrial revolution inventions

  • sewing machine

    sewing machine
    created by Elias Howe, it helped create various of different clothing.
  • Cotton gin

    Cotton gin
    this invention created by, Eli Whitney made working with cotton easier,
  • railroads

    invented by, George Stephenson he created a railroad, which let trains have a better transportation
  • telegraph

    this invention lead to long distance communication.
    It was invented by Samuel F.B Morse
  • Typewriter

    Christopher Latham sholes invented the typewriter, which helped with business, and also brought more future inventions.
  • vaccine for diseases

    vaccine for diseases
    Louis Pasteur invented a vaccine for diseases to help help prevent from bacteria getting people sick.
  • Phonograph

    this device helped play record, sounds, music,. which lead to more devices.
    It was invented by Thomas Edison
  • Dishwasher

    Josephine Cochrane invented the dishwasher which made cleaning faster and easier.
  • Escalator

    Jesse W. Reno invented the the escalator which could take you to one place to another.
  • airplane

    created by the wright brothers, it was an airplane, it helped with a lot, it helped with traveling emergency and other situations.