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The Industrial Revolution

By s05484
  • Jan 1, 1418

    The First Human Powered Land Vehicle was Built

    The First Human Powered Land Vehicle was Built
    In 1418, Giovanni Fontana built the first human powered land vehicle. It used an endless rope connected via gears to the four wheels. This was a significant development as it led to the development of other land vehicles, such as the chain-driven bicycle.
  • The Steam Engine was Invented

    The Steam Engine was Invented
    In 1712, the first steam engine was invented in Britain by Tomas Newcomen. It was an engine that used heated water to create steam pressure to pump the pistons. It was a significant invention during the Industrial Revolution as it led to many developments that have impacted society today.
  • The Spinning Jenny was Invented

    The Spinning Jenny was Invented
    In 1764, James Hargreaves, a cotton harvester, invented the Spinning Jenny. It was a machine that weaves harvested cotton. This was a significant invention during the Industrial Revolution as it has led to many developments of current machines that produce clothing, an item that everyone needs.
  • The Hobby Horse bicycle was Invented

    The Hobby Horse bicycle was Invented
    In 1791, Comte de Sivrac built a version of the hobby horse that had two wheels instead of a rocker. This was used as a mode of transport that later developed into the chain-driven bicycle. It was a significant development during the Industrial Revolution as it has led to long-term influences on transport worldwide.
  • Karl Drais invented the Velocipede.

    Karl Drais invented the Velocipede.
    In 1817, Karl Drais invented the Velocipede ("fast foot"), also known as the dandy horse or the running machine. It had a front wheel that could be turned and a rear wheel that stayed stationary. The Velocipede was propelled by pushing off with your feet. They were forbidden worldwide for almost 50 years due to the lack of balance and the danger on the roads. This was a significant invention during the Industrial revolution as it led to further developments of the bicycle.
  • Bicycle brakes were Invented

    Bicycle brakes were Invented
    In 1817, Karl Drais invented a pivoting brake. This would press against the rear tyre to slow down the bike and bring it to a stop. The brake was operated by a lever or a cord connecting to the handlebars. This was a significant development during the Industrial Revolution as it solved major safety issues and created an opportunity for future developments of the bicycle.
  • The Telegraph was Invented

    The Telegraph was Invented
    In 1844, the Telegraph was invented. The Telegraph is a communication system that allows messages to travel over a substantial distance quickly. It was invented by Samuel Morse and has had a significant impact on modern society. It was a significant invention during the Industrial Revolution as it has led to many developments leading to the current telephones and radios.
  • The Tricycle was Invented

    The Tricycle was Invented
    In 1860, the tricycle was invented. The first adult tricycles were invented in the 1860's. This was the same time children's wooden riding toys (children's tricycles) were built. In the 1880's the steel tricycles were built, the rear steering tricycles were invented and in 1885 the first chain-driven tricycles were invented. This was a significant development during the Industrial Revolution as it has led to long-term influences on the development of the bicycle.
  • Pedals were added to the Velocipede.

    Pedals were added to the Velocipede.
    In 1863, the Velocipede was modified and constructed with steel rather then wood and pedals were added to the front wheel. It was widely known as the boneshaker due to the rough ride along the cobblestone roads. Indoor riding academies (similar to roller-skating rinks for bikes) were also created and could be found in large cities. This was a significant development during the Industrial Revolution as it has left long-term influences on the development of the bicycle.
  • Dynamite was invented

    Dynamite was invented
    In 1867, Dynamite was created by Alfred Nobel in Ardeer, Scotland. When the nitroglycerin in the dynamite was lit on fire it would cause an explosion. This was a significant invention during the Industrial Revolution as it has hugely facilitated mining throughout the world.
  • The Penny-farthing was built.

    The Penny-farthing was built.
    In 1869, Eugene Meyer built the Penny-farthing, also known as the high-wheeler. The motive of the invention was to make bicycles faster. With gears not being invented yet, the ideal way to make it faster was to increase the size of the front wheel. The frame of the bicycle was improved to a lighter frame made of hollow steel tubes. This was a significant development during the Industrial Revolution as it has led to long-term influences on the development of the bicycle.
  • Vaccinations were developed

    Vaccinations were developed
    In 1870, Louis Pasteur developed the first vaccinations against diseases. He developed the first vaccinations against cholera, rabies and anthrax. This was a significant development during the Industrial Revolution as it has led to long-term influences on the health of society worldwide. Hundreds of developments against diseases have been discovered due to this event and disease such as small pox have been eradicated.
  • The Chain Driven Bicycle was Invented

    The Chain Driven Bicycle was Invented
    In 1885, an inventor of the previous bicycle developments, John Kemp Starley invented the chain driven bicycle. Also known as the 'safety' bicycle, it was invented as a safer development of the penny farthing. This was a significant development during the Industrial Revolution as it has left long-term influences on the transport of society.
  • Pneumatic tyres were Invented

    Pneumatic tyres were Invented
    In 1888, pneumatic tyres were invented. They made riding bicycles much more enjoyable as the ride was more comfortable. This was a significant development during the Industrial Revolution as it contributed to the development of the bicycle remarkably.
  • The First Airplane was Invented

    The First Airplane was Invented
    In 1903, the first successful airplane was invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright. It was a significant invention during the Industrial Revolution as it has led to the invention of all current planes. It gave developers the hope they needed to develop the airplanes that are used today, both commercially and privately.
  • The First Tour De France

    The First Tour De France
    On 1 July 1903, the first ever Tour De France commenced in Montgeron and finished in Paris. It was the first bicycle race that ran from 1 July to 19 July over 2,500km. This was a significant event during the Industrial Revolution as it has had long-term effects on the development of racing bicycles.
  • The Model T Car was Invented

    The Model T Car was Invented
    In 1908, the Model T car was invented by Henry Ford. It was the first car produced by Ford and impacted society tremendously as it was a cheap and sufficient car to purchase. This was a significant invention during the Industrial Revolution as it has led to countless car developments over time, impacting society greatly.