Industrial Revolution

  • Jethro Tull

    Jethro Tull invented the seed drill. It was a way of making sure the seeds were well placed in a faster way.
  • James Watt

    James Watt invented the steam engine. It was used in transportation.
  • Charles Townshend

    Charles Townshend invented the 4-year crop rotation system. It allowed for better soil and crops.
  • John Kay

    John Kay invented teh flying shuttle. It made weaving cloth faster and easier.
  • Duke of Bridgewater

    The Duke of Bridgewater invented the industrial canal. This made it easier to move products without the hassle of the river system.
  • Samuel Crompton

    Samuel Crompton invented teh spinning mule. It spun yarn while making it stronger and thinner.
  • Henry Cort

    Henry Cort invented the puddling process. This made proddign iron sheets faster and easier.
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. It made seed removal easier.
  • Richard Arkwright

    Richard Arkwright invented the water frame. It could spin up to 100 spindles at a time.
  • Gottlieb Daimler

    Gottlieb Daimler invented the gas engine. This caused a revolution in car design.