Indian Wars 1861-1890

  • Apache and Navajo Wars

    Key Players - Geronimo
    Col. Christopher “Kit” Carson
    Nations And Homelands -Apache in Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado territories; Navajo in New Mexico, Colorado territories
    Carson kills or relocates many Apache to reservations in 1862. Clashes drag on until Geronmino’s surrender in 1886. Navajo told to surrender in 1863, but before they can, Carson attacks, killing hundreds, destroying homelands. Navajos moved to New Mexico reservation in 1865.
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Land -Southern Cheyeene, Arapaho, in central plains
    Key Players - Black Kettle
    Col. John Chivington
    Outcome -Cheyenne massacres prompt Chivington to kill up to 500 surrendered Cheyenne and Arapaho led by Black Kettle.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Land- Northern plains Sioux in Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana territorries
    Key Players- Largest branch of Nez Perce, in Wallowa Valley of Idaho and Washington territories and Oregon
    Outcome -Howard orders Nez Perce to Idaho reservation; violence erupts. Joseph leads some 700 men, women, and children on 1,400-mile flight. His 200 warriors hold off Miles’s 2,000 soldiers until halted 40 miles short of Canada. Sent to Indian Territory, many die of disease. In 1885, survivors moved to reservation in W
  • Nez Perce War

    Land -Northern plains Sioux in Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana territorries
    KeyPlayers-Chief Joseph
    Gen. Oliver O. Howard
    Col. Nelson Miles
    Outcome -Howard orders Nez Perce to Idaho reservation; violence erupts. Joseph leads some 700 men, women, and children on 1,400-mile flight. His 200 warriors hold off Miles’s 2,000 soldiers until halted 40 miles short of Canada. Sent to Indian Territory, many die of disease. In 1885, survivors moved to reservation in Washington Territory.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    Land -Sioux at Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota
    Key Players -Sitting Bull
    U.S. 7th, Cavalry
    Outcome -Ghost Dance raises fears of Sioux uprising; Sitting Bull killed in attempted arrest. His followers surrender and camp at Wounded Knee. Shots are fired; some 200 Sioux die.
  • Red River War

    Land - Comanche and southern branches of Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Arapaho, in southern plains
    Key Players- Comanche war parties
    Gen. William T. Sherman
    Lt. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan
    Outcome -Southern plains Indians relocated to Oklahoma Indian Territory under 1867 Treaty of Medicin Lodge. After buffalo hunters destroy the Indians food supply, Comanche warriors race to buffalo grazing areas in Texas panhandle to kill hunters. Sherman and Sheridan defeat warriors and open panhandle to cattle ranching.