Indian Nationalism & Independence

  • British takes command

    The British Government decided to take direct command of India. A part of India was ruled by the British, this was called the Raj.
  • The Rebellion

    News spread that the Indian soldiers spread beef and pork fat was greased all over their new Enfield rifles. Since the Hindus who look at the cow as sacred, and Muslims who do not eat pork. This led to May 10,1875 when the sepoys rebelled. They captured the city of Delhi with the other Indian soldiers. But it didn't end there since the rebellion spread to other parts of India.
  • Indian Natural Congress

    The Indian Natural Congress was formes sue to growing nationalism
  • Gandhi in India

    Gandhi attempts to be a lawyer in India, but fails.
  • Back in South Africa

    Gandhi goges back to South Africa
  • The Boer War

    The Boer War is taking place in South Africa and Gadhi sendss the amb ulances to get the british corps.
  • Indian Natural Congress

    The Muslim ligue as well as the Indian Natural Congress formed due growing nationalism
  • Boer Republic Transvaal

    The Boer Republic Transvaal in which is now under the british. Tries to register all Indias as members. Gandhi is one of the fist ones to refuse to restister alongside others.
  • First Time in Jail

    Gandhi is arrested and needs to complete 2 months in prison.
  • The Promise

    Indian troops go back home from the war, expeting Britain to maintain their promise but to their surprise they were still treated like second class citizens.
  • Fasting

    A day of fasting was being held on this day in protest of the Rowlatt Act.
  • Rolatt Acts

    British passed Rolatt Acts a law in which consited in placing anyone that protested in jail without trial for 2 years.
  • Civil Disobedience

    The Congresss Party experienced civil disobedience as the people were refushing to follow this unjust law. And the though the non violence will make them independent
  • President

    Gandhi becomes the President of the Indian National Congress.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Gandhi released the Declaration of Independence of India.
  • Oil Deposits

    Oil deposists werre found by European and American companies.Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kwait were all a part of this major oil deposists
  • Salt March

    Gandhi is the leader of the Salt March to the sea.
  • Govenment of India Act

    The British Parliament took it first step back, and passed the Government of India Act. It provided some freedom like self governent and elections, but they didn't gain full independance.
  • The division

    India was divided into two countries Muslim India and Muslim Pakistan.
  • Two Countries

    Indias are finally independent as the fact that india is divided into two countries, India and Pakistan
  • Gandhi is dead

    A Hindu radical who though that Gandhi was protected by Muslims decieded to kill him.