India Independence Movement

  • Boycotts of British Goods

    Gandhi exhorted Indian men and women, rich or poor, to spend time each day spinning homespun cloth in support of the independence movement.
  • Gandhi returns to India

    Gandhi arrived at Apollo Bunder in Bombay. Three days later he was honored by the peope of Bombay.
  • Civil Disobedience Movement

    One of the most important phases in the Indian National Movement. The main goal was to dissobey unjust laws created by the British Government
  • Amritstar Massaacre

    The British bruttally attacked these Indians who were protesting.
  • Salt March Emabarrases Britain

    The Salt March embarrassed Britain, which took pride in its democratic traditions.
  • Separate Muslim State

    The Muslim league gained a leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah. At first, he represented Muslim interest within the congress party but later threw his support behind the idea of a seperate state from muslims.
  • WW I I begins

    Britain offended all Indians by post-poning further action on independence, and also bringing India into war with out consulting them.
  • Gandhi is Killed

    Gandhi was shot and killed by Hindu extremist. His death helped end the worst violence, but still Hindu-Muslim tensions carried on.