
  • East India Company Rule

    East India Company Rule
    Traded mostly with only the Indian subcontinent, the North-west frontier province, and Balochistan. They mainly traded silk, indigo dye, cotton, saltpetre, salt, opium, and tea. This company was given a Royal Charter by Queen Elizabeth.The company eventualy began to rule large parts of India with their own private armies.
  • The Sepoy Rebellion

    The Sepoy Rebellion
    The Sepoy Rebellion was caused by the Sepoys becoming angry when the British used cow/pig fat to grease their new rifles. This rebellion resulted in the East India Company's power being transfered to the crown.
  • Mohandas Gandhi

    Mohandas Gandhi
    Mohandas Gandhi fought for the freedom of Indians in India, as well as other countries because they were treated very poorly. Gandhi created a community of Indians to protest the government. Him and his community peacefully protested, but they, including Gandhi, were sent to prison several times. One of Gandhi's major acts was leading tens of thousands of Indians to the coast to make their own salt because the British were heavily taxing their salt.
  • Formation of the Indian National Congress

    Formation of the Indian National Congress
    The Indian National Congress was formed in 1885 by members of the occultist movement. In the Indian Independence Movement, the Indian Nation Congress became a large participant with over 70 million participants and over 15 million members.
  • Formation of the Muslim League

    Formation of the Muslim League
    The Muslim League was created by the Muslim Educational conference. The need to form this league was first noticed by the administrator of the Muslim Educational Conference. When it was first formed, it was lead by Nawab Wiqar-ul-Mulk. The only reason that this league was created was to guard the political rights of Muslim nations.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    The Salt March was led by Gandhi in in his campaign of nonviolent protests and tax resistence from the British salt monopoly in India. Since the Non-cooperation movement, this was the largest challenge against the British authority. The march that Gandhi led was 240 miles long, and when he and his followers arrived at the beach, they produced their own salt from the ocean. This campaign had a huge effect on British attitude towards Indians' independence.
  • Quit India campaign

    Quit India campaign
    The Quit India campaign was a direct response to Gandhi's call for independence. A call by the All-India Congress Committee told a large amount of Indians to protest and demand for "an orderly British withdrawal" from India. The only outside support for this movement came from the United States when President Franklin D. Roosevelt when he pressured Prime Minister Winston Churchill to give in to the Indian demands. This campaign was crushed by the British.
  • Hindu-Muslim Conflict

    Hindu-Muslim Conflict
    This conflict started because of political reasons that the English India Occupiers started when they tried to split the country in half; these two halves later became Pakistan and India to ensure more control over over both parts.
  • Indian Independence Act

    Indian Independence Act
    The Indian Independence Act was an act to split British India into two independent dominions of India and Pakistan.On July 18, 1947 the act received the royal assent and Pakistan came about on August 14 and India on August 15.
  • Gandhi Assassinated

    Gandhi Assassinated
    Gandhi was shot at point-blank range by Nathuram Godse. Before this, there were five other attempts to kill Gandhi. When Gandhi was shot and killed, he was outside of the building where a prayer meeting was about to take place. His family and followers were surrounding him; he was hit by three gunshots.