
By dfl66
  • 250

    When did the first people emerge in this region?

    When did the first people emerge in this region?
    (ignore date) First took place with the Maurya Empire 250 B.C. and then Gupta empire 400 A.D.
  • 350

    Name at least two Indus cities.

    Name at least two Indus cities.
    (ignore date)
  • 400

    What type of religious beliefs did they have?

    	What type of religious beliefs did they have?
    possibly hinduism (ignore date)
  • 450

    How did they make a living?

    	How did they make a living?
    Farmers grew wheat, barley, cotton, and rice on land fertilized by yearly Indus River floods. They also raised animals. In towns, people made cloth, pottery, metalwork, and jewelry. On the coast, they went abroad to trade. (ignore date)
  • 500

    Explain why they declined

    At Mohenjo-Daro, the Indus River changed its course, causing a water shortage. Other towns may have been destroyed by floods, disease, or invaders. But nobody knows for sure why the Indus Valley civilization collapsed.
    (ignore date)