Foto portada del john

Important events in the life of John Lennon

  • Date of birth

    Date of birth
    This influential man was born in 1940 in Liverpool
  • Not a good memory

    Not a good memory
    John's father was arrested for family neglect
  • Little Change

    Little Change
    John's mother, Julia, is going to live with Robert Dikins. The custody is for his aunt Mimi. His mother will visit him daily
  • Important present

    Important present
    Julia gives John his first guitar, a Gallotone Champion. Right now this guitar is in the Beatles museum.
  • His first group

    His first group
    he formed his first group called "The Quarry Men" with classmates (Quarry Bank High School)
  • R.I.P

    John's mother was killed by a car
  • The start

    The start
    The Quarry Men change their name to the Beatles
  • 9th February

    9th February
    The Beatles performed for the first time at the cavern pub in Liverpool
  • The wedding

    The wedding
    John marries his girlfriend Cynthia after getting pregnant
  • Single

    His first single "Love me do" was released in October.
  • First Album

    First Album
    It was released "Please, please me"
  • His daughter

    His daughter
    Julian Lennon was born
  • The Beatles Obsession conquered the world

    The Beatles Obsession conquered the world
    They met Isabel Queen
  • Actor in a film

    Actor in a film
    He arrived in Almería in the fall and spent six weeks shooting the film "How to win the war"
  • Met other girl

    Met other girl
    He met Yoko in an art gallery in London
  • His 2nd wedding

    His 2nd wedding
    They were married in Gibraltar on March 20.Also on their honeymoon, they spent two weeks in bed for peace and against war
  • He left

    He left
    He left the musical group The Beatles
  • New album

    New album
    He started his solo career with the album "Plastic one Band"
  • Divorce

    Yoko and John separated and he began a relationship with May Pang
  • His death

    His death
    He died by a murder in New York on December 8th.