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Important Events in the 13 Colonies (1587-1755)

By pmeyer1
  • The Lost Colony of Roanoke

    The Lost Colony of Roanoke
    An English failure. Present day North Carolina. Organized by Sir Walter Raleigh.
  • Period: to

    10 Important Events in the 13 Colonies

  • Royal Charter Granted

    Royal Charter Granted
    Virginia Com[any of London was granted a Royal Charter to settle in the New World.
  • First Tobacco Planted

    First Tobacco Planted
    Tobacco was planted for the first time by English Colonists in Virginia.
  • Smallpox Epidemic

    Smallpox Epidemic
    A smallpox epidemic starts in the New England Native American populations.
  • Mayflower Compact Signed

    Mayflower Compact Signed
    Was the first governing document of The Plymouth Colony. Written by The Colonists (Pilgrims).
  • Plymouth Colony and New Amsterdam start trading

    Plymouth Colony and New Amsterdam start trading
    The Pilgrim's primary trading partner was England.
  • New Amsterdam City Government

    New Amsterdam City Government
    New Amsterdam is given permission to form it's own city goverment.
  • The First Bible Printed in America

    The First Bible Printed in America
    The first Bible ever to be printed in America was published in the Algorquin language.
  • Maryland Prohibits the Growing of Tobacco

    Maryland Prohibits the Growing of Tobacco
    Prohibited for a year due to a glut of tobacco on the market.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The American extension of the general European conflict (Seven Years' War.) The French and Indian War was notable for having started in North America and then spreading to Europe.