Implementation Timeline

By ooyama
  • 1st Day of School

    Begin year with Attibute Theory I will set up my 1st day with a rubrick for students on skill and effort. I want students to understand how these words play an important part in their schooling and life in general. Skill
    Task Difficulty
  • Math Attribute Theory

    I want to address how attribution theory can be used in Math class.
  • Social Studies Attribute Theory

    I will address, to my students, how attribution theory can be applied in Social Studies class.
  • 1st Math Gamification Begins

  • Multiplication/Division Tables

    Students take a quick test to see if they have the tables memorized
  • Explain the Reward (Ability to use calculator for math)

    Students will understand that after mastering a certain task (multiplication/division tables) they will be able to use calculators to solve math problems. They must prove to me that they have it memorized before moving on to harder tasks.
  • Continue multiplication/division quiz

    Students continue to work on the tables to until they can pass with 95% accuracy.
  • Students Receice a Star on Their Charts to See Progress

    As students pass the multiplication/division tests, they will receive visual proof on where they ara.
  • Start Looking at 1st Social Studies Unit w/Students

    Instead of learning history from the textbooks, students will put on plays. We will look at the chapters to get a feel of what is coming up in 5th grade.
  • Big Social Studies Ideas/Vocabulary

    After looking at the 1st chapter, I will help students select important vocabulary and ideas that must be included in thier skits.
  • Select Focus and Characters

    I will help students get a focus in social studies. I may also focus students on the Point of View of the other historical figures to build empathy.
  • Select Information to Use in Play

    Students can continue to focus on the information in the textbooks, but other resources can be accessed.
  • Write Up Scripts for Social Studies Play

    Students will be responsible to write a script (with my guidence) for their play. It must must be accurate with correct grammatical punctuation since this is combining my ELA time.
  • Typing Class

    Students beging to sharpen their typing skills with The online source allows students to play simple keyboarding games after master certain skills and levels.
  • Students Use Typing Web (Games after a level has been mastered)

    Students begin to use typingweb for 1st time in computer lab.