First Week of School Rules and Procedures in Kindergarten: This is day one. Repeat all steps each day for the first week or two.

  • Co-create Classroom Promise

    Co-create Classroom Promise
    During large group co-create a classroom promise with the students. Paraphrase to make sure the statements are positive. Post in the classroom where it is in sight anywhere you are in the room.
    Revisit each day for the first week or two.
  • Get to know each other

    Get to know each other
    Do this during morning circle. Play a game that allows each student to share one thing about themselves. Participate in the game as well. Play a new game each day of the first week focusing on getting to know each other.
  • Whole Class Classroom Tour

    As a group walk around the room naming different areas, eg. the bathroom, the cubby area, the meeting area, block centre, house centre, the door to the classroom, the door to the playground, etc. Repeat this each day for the first week. As they get to know the classroom, ask the students to explain what each area is.
  • Small group tours

    As children have entered play, pull small groups to teach specific procedures. Start with how to wash hands and use the bathroom. Next day focus on how you enter the classroom, use the cubby area and keep it tidy. Next day how to use the garbage and recycling. Next day how to walk in the hall and introduce them to where you take the attendance to the office. Each day reinforce students who are following procedures. Find your "experts" and refer to them when a student needs assistance.
  • Videotape Tidy Time

    After students have played/explored activities, during tidy up time, video them tidying and then watch it when they are done and sitting in large group. Positively reinforce the "good tidyers" you are seeing and what behaviours you are looking for. Challenge the students to do better next time, perhaps by having a quicker time. Do this every time you tidy for the first two weeks. Then bring it back out only when they need it.
  • School-wide Tour

    School-wide Tour
    At some point in the day take the students around the school to practice walking in a line, walking quietly in the halls, and to see the different areas of the school (ie., library, gym, office, etc.) Repeat each day of the week. Practice going upstairs later on in the week and talk about stair safety.