
  • Philippene insurrection

    The conflict arose from the struggle of the First Philippine Republic to secure independence from the United States following the latter's acquisition of the Philippines from Spain after the Spanish–American War
  • Hay-Buanau-Varilla Treaty

    Treaty was a treaty signed on November 18, 1903, by the United States and Panama, which established the Panama Canal Zone and the subsequent construction of the Panama Canal. It was named after its two primary negotiators, Philippe-Jean Bunau-Varilla, the French diplomatic representative of Panama, and United States Secretary of State John Hay.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    It's a wing Corollary Monroe Doctrine, declaring agree to the Monroe Doctrine, the US is justified in the army.
    Because Estadaunidense justified the intervention.
  • US occupation of the Dominican Republic (1905)

    Under this corollary, the United States assumed the customs of the Dominican Republic.
    It is an event that takes the virtues in the US.
  • Cuban Intervention (1906)

    The United States took military control of Cuba under the Platt Amendment, after
    the reappointment of a US puppet government, prompting a nationalist uprising.
    It is an event because it shows imperialism war on Cuba.
  • The Great White Fleet

    was the popular nickname for the United States Navy battle fleet that completed a circumnavigation of the globe
  • Panama Canal

    The history of the Panama Canal goes back almost to the earliest explorers of the Americas. The narrow land bridge between North and South America offers a unique opportunity to create a water passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The earliest European colonists of Central America recognized this potential, and schemes for such a canal were floated several times in the subsequent years.