Mission san juan capistrano

How We Organize Ourselves-Mission Unit of Study

  • Vocabulary

    Students will review vocabuary and create a Popplet that includes vocabulary word, definition and an image. This will be in class and homework.
  • Guidelines For A Safe Learning Environment

    Guidelines For A Safe Learning Environment
    Review guidelines for a safe learning environment.
  • Cacoo Mind Map Activitiy

    Cacoo Mind Map Activitiy
    Discuss Sustainable Community Mind Map. Have students build their own mind map of a sustainable community using economy, environment and equality.
  • Sustainable Community Flyer

    Sustainable Community Flyer
    Question: What makes Encinitas a Sustainable Community? Review Graphic Organizers- Think-Pair-Share. In partners, students will create a flyer using the Pages on their ipads that displays how our city is a sustainable community. Must include all elements of sustainability from Graphic Organizer:
    equality, economy, environment.
    (Use Vocabulary handout if necessary) Each partnership will present. (See timespan)
  • Period: to

    Sustainable Communities iPad Flyer

    What makes Encinitas a Sustainable Community?
    Review Graphic Organizers from previous day (Think-Pair-Share) In partners, students will create a flyer using the Pages on their ipads that displays how Encinitas is a sustainable community. Must include all elements of sustainability from Graphic Organizer: equality, economy, environment. (Use Vocabulary handout if necessary)
  • Prezi on Missions

    Prezi on Missions
    Watch Prezi on Fourth Grade Space
    Think-Pair-Share: How is the perspective of Mission Life Different for the Native Americans than the Missionaries.
    Interactive Writing to answer question above using Edmodo. This will also introduce Research Project
  • Reserch Powerpoint

    Reserch Powerpoint
    Mini Lesson on Research Writing.
    Embedded in the Powerpoint are BrainPop videos on Plagiarism and Effective Internet Searches.
  • Mission Research Report

    Mission Research Report
    See Timespan This is an in class and at home project.
  • Period: to

    Mission Research Report

    Students choose a topic to research, and chose the three questions they want to use to guide their research.
    Students create an outline and begin taking notes.
    Students use their outline to create a rough draft of their report. (Reviewing correct format with headings)
    Have students read their papers aloud to each other to catch errors.
  • Mission Blue Print

    Mission Blue Print
    Students will be assigned missions by groups. Each student will create a blue print of the assigned mission, and will need to add elements to it that would help to make it a more sustainable community. The best blueprint will be picked by teacher and will be used to model after for the build a mission in a day.
  • Period: to

    Mission Blueprint

    Mission Sustainability:
    Refer back to student’s graphic organizers from Day 1. Discuss how the mission system came to an end and if it was a sustainable community. Brainstorm ways the mission communities could be more sustainable if they were rebuilt today.Fill in Graphic Wheel with student’s ideas of how they can make a sustainable community. What can they add to their blue print.
  • Mission Field Trip

    Mission Field Trip
    For homework students will respond to an Edmodo question for interactive writing. What thing did you find most interesting about your visit to the mission? Students must respond to one peer's post.
  • Google Drive Materials Brainstorm

    Google Drive Materials Brainstorm
    Students use Google Drive to brainstorm materials they will need to build a successful mission.
  • Google Drive Collaboration

    Google Drive Collaboration
    Students will write a three paragraph essay on their sustainable mission using Google Drive on their iPads. Students will provide feedback and editing to one another.
  • Period: to

    Google Drive Collaboration

    Students will type their writing on a Google drive document. At least one peer needs to make edits to their writing.
  • Mission in a Day

    Mission in a Day
    Students use the blue print to create a model of their sustainable mission.