• Z1 computer

    Z1 computer
    This was the first freely programable computer. This is important because before you couldn't do whatever you want on it.
  • ABC computer

    ABC computer
    The Atanasoff Berry Computer (later changed to ABC) was a revolutionary computer because they wanted to start putting it in at colleges.
  • Keyboard

    The keyboard was invented in 1947. It revolutionized computers because now you can interact with them. We still use forms of theese keyboards today.
  • Univac Computer

    Univac Computer
    John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly created this computer. It was the first commercialized computer.
  • Game

    The first computer game was invented. This created a chain reaction and people are still creating computer games.
  • mouse

    The first computer mouse was invented. It is very important because we need it to navigate the computer.
  • First Portable computer

    First Portable computer
    This was the first computer you can take anywhere you go. It was invented by Altair. It revolutionized computers. Now almost all computers being made are portable.
  • Apple 2

    Apple 2
    Steve Wozniack and Steve Jobs created the first computer using colored graphics. All computers use colored graphics now.
  • The WWW was invented

    The WWW was invented
    The world wide webwas invented. It allowed people to get access to other people's information.
  • iphone

    The first iphone was made in 2009 by Apple, it was one of the first touchscreens and started the trend. It is very important because people weren't using touchscreens and after this phone almost everyone has some apple product in their home.