
Hitler's Life and Rise To Power

By mlane
  • Hitler is born

    On April 20, 1889, at 6:30 p.m Adolf Hitler was born. He was born in Austria. He was born to Klara & Alois Hitler. His last name Hitler, was purley accidental. Hitler's father has wanted to change his last name after his mother had died. His uncle has convinced him to take his last name Hiedler. When his name change became legal who ever wrote it down spelled it as Hitler and that is how his last name came to be.
  • Hitlers childhood

  • Alois Hitler dies

    Alois Hitler dies
    At the age of 65 Alois Hitler died of a lung hemorrhage. He was on a walk to an inn to have a glass of wine. Sitting there he collapsed and died with in minutes. With the money that his father had left, Hitler was sent to a boarding school in Linz. He was not a very good student. He behaved badly, he liked to goof around, play pranks on people and tell jokes.
  • Hitler switches schools

    Hitler switches schools
    After leaving the boarding school in Linz he went to another boarding school just 25 miles away. He did not do very well during the semester but he improved by the second one. He was told he may graduate if he took a test during the fall. Hitler would have but he suffered from a lung bleeding just like his father. At the age of 16 he left school and never went back.
  • Hitlers mother dies

    Hitlers mother dies
    On January 14, 1907 Klara Hitler had a pain in her side and decided to go see her doctor. Edward Bloch informed her that she had breast cancer. Hitler and Klara were devastated. A few days later Klara has surgery and one of her breast was removed. Klara suffered for almost a year before the cancer took her life. On December 21, 1907 three days before Christmas eve she pased.
  • Moving to Vienna & taking entrance exam

    Moving to Vienna & taking entrance exam
    After his mother's death Adolf focused on moving to Vienna to persue his artistic carrer. In Febuary 1908 he made the move. He applied to Vienna Acadamy of fine arts. He had to take an entrance exam before he could go. He thought he did well but he was shocked to hear he was rejected and that his drawings and painting lacked something. One year after he failed the first time he tried again and failed a second time. He than fell flat, sleeping on benches and eating what he could find.
  • Hitler joins the WWII battle

    Hitler joins the WWII battle
    At the age of 25 Hitler joined in the fight of WWII. After Archduke Franz Ferdinand was murdered the war was on its way and Hitler knew he had to help. He got through most of the war without a single wound but his luck ran out. He was hit in the leg by a shell fragment during the Battle of the Somme.
  • Nazis

    After Hitler had joined a group called the Workers Party, in 1919 he realiazed how much he wanted this group to do what he thought was right. Even only having 7 members he knew he wanted to expand & spread his word. After recruting many -ex soldiers & many others Hitler was proud. At his first large meeting he was shocked at what he saw. He was a succes. He than realized what he was missing a symbol. This is how the swastika was created,
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    Life in Germany was dreadful & people could not take much more the government decided to hold a meeting to find a solution. Hitler had come up with a plan to kidnap the three leaders of Germany to send a message tooin the Nazi party. Hitler kidnap Commissioner Gustav von Kahr, Colonel Hans von Seisser, and General Otto von Lossow & tried convincing them to join his party. They said they would but they broke the promise. Angry Hitler martch to Munich & tried taking over. This plan did not work.
  • Hitler Goes on Trial

    Hitler Goes on Trial
    After the Beer Hall Putsch Adolf was charged with high treason. Hitler knew what he was doing he knew he was trying to over throw the government & he found himself to be a Saint in his own eyes. After 24 days the jury had their verdict. He was found guilty but even though he could have got life in prison he got only a year. With a possibility to get out in 6 months. While in jail he wrote his book "Mein Kampf". This was about his hatred for Jews and how they would become the master race,
  • Hitler Named Chancellor

    Hitler Named Chancellor
    After years of trying to runin the republic government Hitler got a chance to do so without having to fight about it. On January 30, 1933 Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor as Germany. Hitler now had all the power he needed to control Germany. Hitler & his supporters marched up Brandenburg gate screaming, Hail! Hail Victory! Within weeks, Hitler would bedictator of Germany. This than lead to The Holacasut and many other deaths.