Histrory of Australia

  • Australia was Found

    Australia was Found
    Captain James Cook found Australia.
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    British ships called the “First Fleet” left England with convicts to establish a prison colony
  • Prisoners settled in Australia

    Prisoners settled in Australia
  • Aborigines

    Remnants of the tribes in the settled areas were moved onto Reserves
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    Colonists discovered gold, and the British population increased tremendously.
  • British ships stopped sending Prisoners to Australia

    British ships stopped sending Prisoners to Australia
  • Segregation

    Separation was an official government policy which lasted for many decades
  • Commonwealth of Australia was established

    Commonwealth of Australia was established
  • Immigration Restriction Act

    Immigration Restriction Act
    Restricted migration to people primarily of European descent
  • Canberra

    Melbourne served as the national capital until Canberra was completed
  • Federal government began to pass legislation to help the Aborigines

    Federal government began to pass legislation to help the Aborigines
  • Australia Act

    Australia Act
    All legal ties with the British Empire were severed
  • 55% of voters rejected the idea of becoming an independent republic.

    55% of voters rejected the idea of becoming an independent republic.