history timline for cold war

  • Period: to

    cold war

  • potsdam conference

    potsdam conference
    last meeting of world war 2 held by e big three heads of state and came up with many agreements and also declared an un conditional surrender from japan
  • iron curtain

    iron curtain
    winston churchill's phrase describing the devide between eastern and western europe durring the cold war
  • truman doctrine

    truman doctrine
    declaration of the cold war by president harry S Truman. asking for the US to assist Greece and Turkey from communist attacls. outlined foreign policies for US
  • creation of Israel

    creation of Israel
    jewish agency chairman divid ben-gurion establishes the first jewish state in 2000 years.
  • marshall plan

    marshall plan
    plan thought of by George C. Marshall,secretery of state, to help the financial recovery and restore confidence of western europe.
  • Berlin airlift

    Berlin airlift
    us and allies transported supplies by air since the highways and roads were blocked off by the ememies.
  • Formation of NATO

    Formation of NATO
    the us and 11 other western nations formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. after the prospect of further comunist expansion. the soviets and their allies formed the warshaw pact in retaliation. europe was split up into those two groups
  • korean war

    korean war
    started when a bunch of north korean soldiers crossed the 38th parallel. this was the 1st military action of the cold war american troops were helping south korea in beliefe that they were fighting against the communists and by july in 1953 the korean war was over with around 5 million soldiers and civillians lost.
  • suez crisis

    suez crisis
    israel, brittain, and france made attacks outside the suez canal in egypt. after the us threatened to sanction all three nations, they stopped
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    first unmanned satellite was sent out to orbit the earths atmosphere by the soviet union. after 3 months it fell through the earths atmosphere and was not retrieved.
  • Sputnik 2

    Sputnik 2
    soviets launched the second object to orbit the earths atomosphere and it had a passenger this time, a dog. unfortunately the dog parished very quickly because the part of the ship that had to do with the thermal levels in the ship failed to work.
  • established NASA

    established NASA
    establishment of NASA was a sign that the US was determined to win the race to space against the soviets. we lost, however, after the soviets launched the first satellite into orbit called "Sputnik"
  • vietnam war

    vietnam war
    war between northern vietnam and southern vietnam. the US allied with southern vietnam but ended up withdrawling from battle in 1973. and 2 years later vietnam went under comunist control. the war had more than 3 million deaths including 58000 american soldiers.
  • bay of pigs invasion

    bay of pigs invasion
    begins with a failed attempt of toppling the communist government in cuba by a group of cuban refugee spies in the CIA because it was believed that the cuban leader was a threaght to the U.S.
  • berlin wall built

    berlin wall built
    eastern europe built a wall to prevent access from western europe durring the cold war. it would stand for the next 28 years.
  • Cuban missille crisis

    Cuban missille crisis
    soviet union and US were at a standoff with nuclear war durring the cold war. president kennedy let citizens know we were ready for war through a TV address.
  • USS Pueblo

    USS Pueblo
    USS pueblo was attacked by koreans for being too close to its shore line and the 83 survivors were held prisoners for 11 months. on december 23, 1968 the 32 surviving prisoners returned to the united states as heroes
  • Iran hostage crisis

    Iran hostage crisis
    a group of iranian students went into the united states embacy and took more than 60 americans as hostages. thought to have been an event to start the revolution and have the leader be known.
  • U.S. olympics boycott

    U.S. olympics boycott
    after the soviets intervened in afghanastan in 1979 the U.S. decided not to play in the olympic games held in moscow. it is the only time the U.S has boycotted the olympic games. however, it had no impact on the soviet policy in afghanastan.
  • soviet olympic boycott

    soviet olympic boycott
    the soviets descided not to participate in the olympic games due to possible harm to the players. but it was am obvious response to the US boycott in 1980
  • fall of the soviet union

    fall of the soviet union
    reprasentatives from 11 soviet republics declared their independenct from the USSR