History Timeline

By lissy g
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The war was between France and Vietnam. The French wanted to take over states in Asia this included Vietnam.
  • President Truman

    President Truman was elected for president. Even though his advisors told him not to.
  • South Korea invasion

    South Korea invasion
    Korea was divided between South Korea which was controled by the U.S and the North by the Soviet Union.North Korea decided to invade South Korea.This action caused a big war because the chinese joined into this war.also. This war went on for 3 years.
  • Television

    The first coast to coast coaxial cable. Forty million Americans tuned in to watch President Truman speak.
  • Bomb

    The first hydrogen bomb was created by U.S. The Soviet Union and the U.S had a space race to see who could develop long range missiles.
  • Submarine

    The first atomic submarine was built by Mrs. Eisenhower. In 1958the ship submerged for the first time from Hawaii to Great Britain.
  • Gasoline

    Gasoline cost 29 cents per gallon back then. The average for a brand new car was sold for 1,800.
  • Championships

    ALthea Gibson was the first Agrican American to win the U.S National grass- court championships.
  • Sputnik

    A soviet scientist shocked the world by orbiting a sputnik around the earth. This worried America because they thought the Soviet union would try to launch missiles.
  • Satellite

    America launched a 30 pound satellite into orbit. As the decade ended russia and the U.S set their sights on the moon.