Korean war 2

Korean War

  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The United States and the Soviet Union make joint plans to occupy Korea. Soviet troops will occupy the northern part of the country and the United States will take the southern half.
  • Russians arrive in Korea

    Russians arrive in Korea
    In the last days of World War 2, Russian troops began moving into Northern Korea.
  • Soviets take over

    Soviets take over
    Soviet forces sucessfully complete the occupation of Northern Korea, they halt at the 38th parallel because this is what was agreed at the Potsdam Conference.
  • U.S arrive in Seoul

    American forces finally arrive in Seoul.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    U.S President Harry Truman pledges that the U.S will assist any nation in the world threatened by communism.
  • Syngman Rhee Elected

    Syngman Rhee Elected
    South Korea holds it's first election, Dr. Syngman Rhee wins and positions himself as South Korea's first president.
  • Republic of Korea

    Republic of Korea
    Dr. Syngman Rhee proclaims that South Korea is independant, denying the legitmacy of North Korea and claiming sovereignty over the entire Korean Penisula.
  • Democratic People's Republic of Korea

    Democratic People's Republic of Korea
    Communist North Korea, led by Kim ll Sung, proclaims itslef the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. This then meant that North Korea was denying the legitmacy of South Korea and claiming sovereignty over the entire Korean Penisula.
  • Korean Invasion Approved

    North Korea leader Kim ll Sung travels to Moscow to ask Soviet leader Josef Stalin's permission to invade South Korea and begin the Korean War. Stalin gives the green light to invade.
  • North Korea fights back

    North Korea's invasion of his country, South Korean president orders his military and special police forces to eliminate the threat.
  • North Korea Invades

    North Korea Invades
    North Korea launches a full-scale invasion of the South. North Korean tanks surge across the 38th parallel into South Korean territory.
  • US and UN give Aid to North Korea

    The US and the UN release a statement telling the public their decision to send air and sea forces to give the Korean Government troops cover and support.
  • North Korea Captures Seoul

    North Korean forces captures the capital city of Seoul in South Korean territory.
  • The Battle of Osan

    The Battle of Osan
    American troops go into battle against Nothern Korean forces at Osan. The Americans were expecting an easy victory but discovered that the North Korean army was a formidable adversary. The Americans suffered 150 casulties in the battle and fail to halt the North Korea's army's advance towards the South.
  • General MacArthur lands

    General MacArthur lands
    General MacArthur designs one of the most tactical victories in American military history. The American's landed at Inchon, which was hundred miles behind enemy lines, which took the North Korean's by surprise.
  • Chinese Cross the Yalu River

    Chinese Cross the Yalu River
    Chinese communists who were secretly crossing into Korean territory by coming across the Yalu River uring the nightime, ambush a South Korean regiment high in the mountains of North Korea.
  • China Officially Enters Korean War

    China Officially Enters Korean War
    Chinese leader Mao Zedong, is fearful of the consequences that the American forces may have by taking up positions along their country's border at the Yalu River, Mao Zedong orders hundreds of thousands of Chinese soliders into battle in Korea.
  • Peace Talks Begin

    Peace Talks Begin
    With the Korean War settling into a bloody stalemate, the first peace talks between American, Chinese, North Korean and South Korean negiators will begin in August 1951, will continue on for nearly 2 years. More than 36,000 American soliders killed in the Korean War will lose their lives after the peace talks have began.
  • U.S President Truman fires General MacArthur

    U.S President Truman fires General MacArthur
    Talks start with President Truaman begin discussions with the cabinet about relieving General MacArthur in early April and by mid- April Truman has relieved MacArthur from his duties.
  • Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower Elected President

    Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower Elected President
    Eisenhower recieves more votes than any other candidate in American history- almost 34 million votes. He built his cammpaign largely around the promise to withdraw the American combat from Korea as soon as possible.
  • Korean War Peace Talks Finialised

    Korean War Peace Talks Finialised
    After nearly 2 years of negotiations between the countries (United States, North Korea and China) end the 'UN peace action' in Korea without a formal peace treaty. They agree on victory for both sides, and Korea remains divided by the 38th parallel.