History project

  • Steam engine design improved

    Steam engine design improved
  • Captain cook return to England

    Captain cook return to England
  • First American Flag Created

    First American Flag Created
  • NY City becomes 1st capital of US

    NY City becomes 1st capital of US
  • French National Meeting declares all citizens equal under law

    French National Meeting declares all citizens equal under law
  • Invention of the modern day battery

    Invention of the modern day battery
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
  • Napoleon leaves Russia with his defeated army

    Napoleon leaves Russia with his defeated army
  • New York Stock Exchange slowest day ever (31 shares traded)

    New York Stock Exchange slowest day ever (31 shares traded)
  • California is admitted as the thirty-first U.S. state

    California is admitted as the thirty-first U.S. state
  • US president Andrew Johnson declares that government workers work for 8 hrs

    US president Andrew Johnson declares that government workers work for 8 hrs
  • The first Nobel Prizes are awarded

    The first Nobel Prizes are awarded
  • Wright brothers achieve the first powered man carrying aircraft

    Wright brothers achieve the first powered man carrying aircraft
  • Henry ford builds first model T car

    Henry ford builds first model T car
  • Titanic

  • WW1 started

    WW1 started
  • WW1 Ended

    WW1 Ended