History of the Internet


    ARPANET is considered to be the beginnings of the the internet. It was created by DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Project Agency) in the united states. It was developed for military purposes.
  • Newsgroups, bulletin boards

    A system called Usenet developed, utilising the current network technology of the time. This allowed users to post messages to newsgroups which could be read by all registered members to that newsgroup.
  • Email

    Having developed a method of connecting computers together across a distance, the next step was communicating. The first message was sent across ARPANET at 10:30 p.m on 29th october 1969
  • International packet-switched service

    The first packet-switched network was created in 1978. it was a collaboration between western union (a us communications company), tymnet (a us based data communications organisation) and the post office in the uk.
  • TCP/ IP protocol

    all parts of ARPANET and connected networks were officially converted using the TCP/IP protocol, meaning that every part of the network could use the same method of communicating and data transfer at a fundemental level.
  • Domain name addresing system

    orginally, users would contact other members of the network using telephone numbers, they would dial into an individual computer and that would be the network they could access. domain names are unique names which use human language rather than computer language.
  • first commercial dial up

    although modems connected to telephone lines had been used from the times of the internets inception, late 1990 dial-up modems became widely available to the public.
  • search engine

    the first search engine was created in 1990 by an american university student, its aim was to archive and be able to search for information over the internet .