History of the computer

  • First Hardrive invented

    First Hardrive invented
    The first hardrive ever invented was extremly big with not much space, and was not very practical for portability, but no computer was back then. I chose this event because it introdued a new age of memory, and ways to store Items
  • The first videogame for computers invented

    The first videogame for computers invented
    Space wars was invented being one of the first computer games out there. I chose this because now computers are invented just for gaming
  • Ram was invented

    Ram was invented
    Ram was invented by Douglas Engelbart. I chose this event because just about every single computer out there has Ram
  • Floppydisk invented

    Floppydisk invented
    The first floppy disk wasn invented by Alan Shugart. I chose this because it was a breakthrough in magnetick storage.
  • The first ink jet printer was invented

    The first ink jet printer was invented
    The first Ink jet printer was invented but was not available until 1988 to the general public. This was a very important discovery because Ink jetprinters are one of the most popular out put devices.
  • Osborne is first portable computer

    Osborne is first portable computer
    the first portable computer thta was mass produced and realeased to the public was the Ossborne 1. Ut was then followe by the Osborne exeutive. this event got people thinking, that hey computers could be portable.
  • Apple Macintosh invented

    Apple Macintosh invented
    Appele realeased there macintosh as described inthere famous comercial 1984. I chose this because the comercial was so big.
  • First touch screen ever made

    First touch screen ever made
    The first touch screen was developed by IBM and was 16X16. I chose this event because it was the invention of aa new input device
  • First portable MP3 player

    First portable MP3 player
    The first portable MP3 player was realeased in late december, and was called the audio player, or mobile player. Cost about 200 dollars. I chose this event because it got MP3 plaers started.
  • First Ipod unveiled

    First Ipod  unveiled
    Originally it was only for macatosh, and was only 5 GB, and their slogen was "You canput a thousand songs inyour pocket." the first one was sold november 10 that same year. I chose this evenet because it paved the way for so many other handheld devices.