
History Of the computer

  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    Created by Konrad Zuse, it was the first binary computer. It was used for calculator development and arithmatic.
  • Eniac 1 Computer

    Eniac 1 Computer
    Created by John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly. Eniac stands for Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator. Sponsored by the military because the Amry needed to calculate artillery-firing tables. It took 500,000 tax dollars to build.Wasn't finished till after the war was over.
  • Univac Computer

    Univac Computer
    Created by John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly. The united States was the first client they had for their computer business. The cimputer was the first commercial computer that was able to pick the presidential winner.
  • EMRA and MICR

    EMRA and MICR
    Created by Stanford Research Institute, Bank of America, and General Electric. The first bank computer for reading checks. ERMA was made to computerize the banking industry, MICR was added to ERMA to read the numbers at the bottom of checks.
  • Celbi and Mark-8 Altair and BMI 5100 computers

    Celbi and Mark-8 Altair and BMI 5100 computers
    Created by Scelbi Computer Consulting Company. It was based on Intel's 8008 microprocessor. It cost $565 and only had 1K of memory and 15k available fore $2760.
  • The IBM PC-Home computer

    The IBM PC-Home computer
    Made by IBM, it was kept secret and its code name was "Acorn". It took twelve engineers, one of them was William C. Lowe and was assembled in Boca Raton, Florida. IBM is responsible for popularizing the term PC.
  • Apple Lisa Computer

    Apple Lisa Computer
    Created by the Apple company. It was the first personal computer with a GUI. It cost Apple 150 million to make the computer and write the software, they only sold 10,000.
  • Citations 1

    Bellis, M. (n.d.). The History of Computers - Computer History Timeline. The History of Computers - Computer History Timeline. Retrieved September 21, 2012, from Bellis, M. (n.d.). Inventors of The Modern Computer - Konrad Zuse. Inventors of The Modern Computer - Konrad Zuse. Retrieved September 25, 2012, from