Computer cover

History of the Computer

  • First Binary Computer

    First Binary Computer
    source for inventorsKonrad Zuse was an engineer who created the Z1. The Z1 is a mechanical calculator which is considered the first binary computer.
  • Atanasoff-Berry Computer

    Atanasoff-Berry Computer
    SourceAccording to "Professor John Atanasoff and graduate student Clifford Berry built the world's first electronic-digital computer at Iowa State University between 1939 and 1942". The final project was large compared to present day computers and weighed 700 pounds.
  • The Harvard MARK 1 computer

    The Harvard MARK 1 computer
    SourceThese computers were designed at Harvard University. The well known company IBM, also helped contribute to Harvard's effort in creating this computer. The Mark I computer was used by the U.S. Navy until 1959. It could carry out many calculations.

    SourceThe Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator was first created in 1946. According to "the army needed a computer for calculating artillery-firing tables, the settings used for different weapons under varied conditions for target accuracy." This computer was so large it covered 1800sq. ft.!

    The UNIVAC is also known as the Universal Automatic Computer. The creators of this computer are Dr. Presper Eckert and Dr. John Mauchly. This computer was used mostly by businesses and the government.
  • IBM 701

    IBM 701
    SourceAccording to IBM, the IBM 701 "was the first commercially successful general-purpose computer. " There were only a total of nineteen IBM 701's manufactured. Like most of the early computers, the IBM 701 was only used by the government, Navy, and other businesses.

    Fortran is the first programming language software. This was created by John Backus because he wanted a language that was similar to human language.
  • The Integrated Circuit

    The Integrated Circuit
    SourceThis was necessary to make further advances with computers.
  • Spacewar Computer Game

    Spacewar Computer Game
    This was the first popular computer game, which was created by Steve Russell.
  • Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    The computer mouse was created! It was nicknamed the mouse beccause the wire came out the end, resembling a tail.
  • ARPAnet

    Network Control Protocol was helped protect what was sent via military computers. More people began using this network and it became unsafe for military use.
  • Intel 1103

    Intel 1103
    SourceThe first Dynamic Random Access Memory was released.
  • The Ethernet Computer Networking

    The Ethernet Computer Networking
    The ethernet is a way to connect computers. This was very useful for businesses!
  • IBM

    IBM was working hard on creating and improving personal computers. The term "PC" or "personal computer" was popularized by IBM.
  • Apple Lisa Computer

    Apple Lisa Computer
    The first pc that used a graphical user interface.
  • Apple Macintosh Computer

     Apple Macintosh Computer
    The beginning of the popular Mac computers! Steve Jobs was determined that the Macs would also have a GUI but at a cheaper price.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft was finally released and available!