Hello world in several languages md


  • Audio-Lingual Method

    Audio-Lingual Method
    This method demanded a great deal of repetition and creation of language within established patterns. This became boring after some time.
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    Audio-Lingual Method

  • Audio Tape

    Audio Tape
    The arrival of audio tapes and high speed copiers. These were used to copy tapes for pupils to listen to at home so that independent learning can take place. However this objective was not always achieved.
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    Audio Tape

  • Video

    Introduction of Visual Technology. This was where things such as the television, gaming systems and Personal Computers were introduced. It was also the time frame in which the Audio Lingual method vanished because of the fact that pupils found the audio monotonous and so visual methods took over.
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  • CALL

    Computer Assisted Language Learning was brought into the spotlight. With the use of the World Wide Web students can now visit other countries and be immersed in the target language and culture. There is now access to multi-media tools such as CD-ROM, projectors, MIDI ports etc. All these are used to enhance the learning of Foreign Languages.