History of Technology

  • Microscope

    Microscope is an instrument invented by Zacharias Janssen in 1590. It is a tool with many lenses. In this way, all bacteria and microbes that are impossible to see with the eye can be easily seen with the help of this tool. We use this instrument especially in laboratories.
  • Calculator

    Calculators are tools that can perform mathematical operations that are too difficult for humans to do, so they contribute greatly to learning time and students. In 1642, Blaise Pascal invented the first simple calculator capable of adding and subtracting. And then various and advanced calculators appeared.
  • Battery

    Italian scientist Alessandro Volta invented the first working battery in 1800. Battery is a portable energy box that enables the operation of many electronic devices. It is usually round, but the size varies depending on the object used and the power of the battery.
  • Plastic

    Plastic was invented by Alexander Parkes in Birmingham, England, with the name "Parkesin", a mixture of nitrocellulose, camphor and alcohol. We know it today as celluloid. It is used in the production of many items such as plastics, glasses, pen holders, eraser boxes, bag zippers, phone-computer parts.
  • Phone

    The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. In the early days there were large, push-button or hand dial phones. Furthermore, it was impossible to carry these phones because they were powered by electricity.
  • Ball Pen

    Ball Pen
    American sailor John Loud invented and patented an ink pen with a ball on the tip to mark their leather. It is a highly functional device in order to taking notes, writing letter or journal.
  • X Ray (Roentgen)

    X Ray (Roentgen)
    X-rays are a highly penetrating beam that looks like light but is invisible to the eye.
  • Television

    TV is one of the technological devices that students use for learning. Television was invented by John Logie Baird in Hastings, England in 1923.
  • Speaker

    It is a device that converts electrical waves into sound waves and amplifies sound when necessary. Studies by Chester W. Rice and Edward W. Kellogg provided the development of the loudspeaker between 1924-1925.
  • Copying Machine

    Copying Machine
    Copier is a tool for quickly and cheaply reproducing various documents and other visual materials. Also, it is very useful machine which duplicates students' documents. The first photocopier was invented by Chester Carlson in 1938. The copier is a tool that currently makes the work of students and teachers much easier.
  • Transistor

    Transistors are used in electronic devices to amplify or change the power of electrical signals. The invention of the transistor was carried out in Bell research laboratories in 1947 by a team of John Bardeen and Walter Brattain under the direction of William Shockley. There are two types of transistors, NPN and PNP types.
  • F Keyboard

    F Keyboard
    İhsan Sıtkı YENER had the ideal Turkish keyboard accepted on 20 October 1955 and in 1974 he ensured that all typewriters were F keyboards. This device, which used to be more common in the past, is now found in laptops, computers, and phones.
  • e-mail

    The first e-mail was invented by computer engineer Ray Tomlinson in late 1971. He was a man who worked for ARPANET. He put the "@" sign next to the username, the almost forgotten sign. This technological program is widely used today. The relationship between students and teachers is provided by this program.
  • Mobile Phone

    Mobile Phone
    The inventor of the mobile phone is Martin Cooper. Mobile phones, which enables communication between people far from each other, is used for different purposes such as taking notes, reading booksor novels, watching education videos, taking photos, searching informations, sending mails, etc.
  • Internet

    Tim Berners Lee and Vinton Cerf who invented the Internet. The emergence of the internet has been gradual. The internet, whose foundations were laid in the 1950s, took the current form in 1989. In addition, the internet is used everywhere and by everyone. Thanks to the internet, we can find all kinds of information easily and correctly.