History of psychology

  • IQ tests developed

    Using standarized tests, Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon developed a scale of general intelligence on the basis of mental age. This was interesting to me because it was a process, and how they figured it out was cool.
  • First African American doctorate in Psychology

    Francism Cecil Sumner earns a Ph.D in psychology under G, Stanley Hall at clark university. I chose this because this a huge step in not just the psychology field but also in our world.
  • Nazi Persecution of pyschologists

    After the Nazi party gains control of the government in Germany, scholars and researchers in psychology and psychiatry are persecuted. Many moved to Britain and the United States. I picked this event because it shows just how much the nazi's were afraid of psychologists and how they could find more information out about their people.
  • Electroconvulvise therapy begun

    Italian psychiatrist and neruopathologist and his team treat human patients with electrics shocks to alleivate schizoprenia and psychois. I picked this because this is still used today to treat some patients.
  • FIrst Drug to treat depression

    Studies are published to reporting that the drug impiriane may be able to lessen depression. Eight years later the FDA approves its use in the United States. The reasoning this event is in my timeline because this is still used today.
  • A PET scanner tested

    A new brain scanning technique, Positron Emmison Tomogrpahy, is tested. By tracing chemical markers, PET maps brain function in more detail than earlier techniques. This is interesting to me because it gives reserachers more ways to look into your brain and gives them a higher advantage.
  • Evolutionary Pyschology

    Richard Dawkins publishes The Selfish Gene which begins to popularize the idea of evolutionary pyschology. This approach applies to the structure and function of the human brain. It offers new ways to look at it. This is interesting to me because this could make you think way differently about pyschology and how it came about.
  • AIDS and HIVS first diganosed

    The epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and human immunodeficiency infection presents mental health professionals with challenges ranging from at-risk patients' anxiety and depression to AIDS-related dementia. I picked this event to be in my timeline because to this day we still have cases involving aids, but now we have medicines to at least help it.
  • Interpration of Dreams

    Sigmund Fred introduces this theory in the first of 24 books he wrote exploring such topics as the unconscious, techniques of free association, and sexuality as a driving force in human psychology. I chose this because I always wanted to know how we dream what we dream and how sometimes we remember them and sometimes we don't.
  • Sequencing of the Human Genome

    Sixteen public research institutions around the world complete a "working draft" mapping of the human genetic code, providing a research basis for a new understanding of human development and disease. I picked this because at this point in time another reserach is happening about this that is privately funded.