History of music

  • Period: 504 to 604

    Repertoire Gregorian Chant

    The first compiler Gregorian chant
  • Period: 600 to 800

    Gregorian Chant

    It is a Liturgico song in honor of Gregori the Great of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • 800

    The first rules of musical notation

    A neumatic notational system was used on a four line stave and a second voice was added to plainsong and polyphony was born
  • Period: 1100 to 1200

    Secular Vocal Music

    Two Figures:
    * The minstrels were musics who play secular music and their songs werw written in songbooks. The most common were Cantigas de Santamaría, Cantigas de amigo and Llibre Vermell de Montserrat.
    * The goliards written proety in latin which is critical by the church, for example Carmina Burana.
  • 1200

    New liturgical polyphonic forms.

    Start the Mensural notation, the first symbols related to metre and assigned different notes values, in addiction there are new liturgical polyphonic, Ther Organum, discantus and Conductus.
  • Period: 1400 to 1499

    Vocal Renaissance Music. Secular Vocal Music

    Romance: It was based on popular poetic ballads that told both true and fictional stories.
  • Period: 1400 to 1499

    Renaissance Instruments.

    The viol
  • Period: 1400 to

    Renaissance Instruments.

    The Clavichord
    The Sackbut
  • 1450


    Josquim des Prés
  • Period: 1450 to

    Renaissance Music

    The Renaissance was an influential cultural movement that started in Italy and spread all over Europe.
  • Period: 1450 to

    Renaissance textures

    -Polyphony: Several independent melodic lines.
    * Imitative Counterpoint - canon
    -Homorhythmic Homophony: Several similar melodic lines thar moves simultaneously.
    -Melody - dominated Homophony: A main melody line that can be identified with a harmonic accompaniment.
  • Period: 1450 to

    Vocal Renaissance Music. Religous Vocal Music

    Motet:13th to the late 16th. Existed as a secular polyphonic composition for two o three parts, each part with different lyrics and rhythm.
    Mass: Composition with liturgical texts, written in Latin.
    Chorale:the first quarter of the 16th Century. 1524. The mosto common musical form in Protestant liturgy.
  • Period: 1450 to

    Instrumental Renaissance Forms

    -Compositions based on vocal music.
    -Compositions with an improvisational feel
  • Period: 1450 to

    Renaissance Dances

    • The Pavane
      • The Galliard
    • The Branle
    • The Sarabande
  • 1453

    Renaissance Music

    The modern peridod started with the fall of the Byzantine Empire
  • 1468


    Juan del Encina, Spanish
  • 1475


    The Cancionero de Palacio
  • 1481

    Spanish Composer of Ensaladas

    Mateo Flecha el Viejo
  • Period: 1500 to 1520

    Vocal Renaissance Music. Secular Vocal Music

    The Madrigal: It originated in Italy. It described feelings through the union of music and text, always written in the vernacular.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Vocal Renaissance Music. Secular Vocal Music

    Villancico: It also had popular origins.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Vocal Renaissance Music. Secular Vocal Music

    Ensalada: Was a combination of differents forms, languages and polyphonic textures.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Renaissance Instruments.

    The vihuela
  • 1501

    Renaissance Music

    Ottaaviano Petruci printed the first music book in history
  • 1501

    The first book of printed music

    Ottaviano Petrucci
  • 1525


    Fiovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
  • 1540

    Renaissance Music

    The invention of the printing Press
  • 1544


    Magdalena Casuluana
  • Period: 1563 to

    Renaissance Textures

    John Dowland, was on the first composers to use melody-dominated Homophony .
  • 1566


    The Cancionero de Upsala
  • Period: to

    Francesca Caccini

    Familia de musicos con una gran voz. Primera mujer en escribir operas. escribio 5. 1625 " La liberazionedi Ruggiero.
  • Composer

    John Dowland
  • Instruments Membranophones

    The kettledrums.
  • Instrumental Music

    • Technical developments in instruments.
    • Appeared the firts virtuosos
    • Birth of the orchestra
  • Instruments, Chordophones

    Violin, viola, cello and double bass was de central section of the baroque orchesta.
  • Period: to

    Formas Instrumentales

    The fugue, The suite, The sonata, The concerto .
    Concerto Grosso o concertino and solo Concerto
  • Period: to

    Vocal Music. Opera

    Opera. La primera apareció en Italia. Libreto con el texto de la opera.
    ** Opera Seria, es una opera dramática. En Italia
    ** Opera Buffa, es una ópera comica. In Vernacular
  • Period: to

    The Baroque Period

    Baroque music
  • Period: to

    The Baroque Orchestra

    Finales del barroco se crea la orquesta organizada y cobra importancia gracias a la perfección técnica que alcanzan los instrumentos de cuerda frotada (violín, viola, violonchelo
  • Period: to

    Religious Vocal Music

    Several choirs were used polychoralism. New musical forms ( in addition to the mass and the motet.
    * Cantata.Basada en textos religiosos
    * Oratorio.Parecida a la opera pero con tramas religiosas
    * Pasión. Tipo de oratorio sobre la pasion y muerte de cristo.
  • Claudio Monteverdi

    Una de las primeras operas de la historia de la musica.
  • Birth Jean - Baptiste Lully

  • Public Opera

    Openning of the first oublic opera in Venice
  • Instruments, Aerophones

    The flute se hizo mas popular en el barroco., The Basson originario de Francia. La trompeta.
  • Birth of Henrry Purcell

    Compositor ingles mas famoso del periodo Barroco
  • Period: to

    Antonio Vivaldi

    Composer and priest from Venice. Fue profesor de violin escribio opera y unos 450 conciertos.
  • Antonio Stradivari

    opens his own lithier´s workshop
  • Johann Sebastian Bach

    Was in 1685 and today is the most famous composer os the Baroque period and on of the most important composers of western music.
  • Birth of Domenico Scarlatty and Georg Friedrich Händel

  • Birth os the Luthier Giuseppe Guarneri

  • Bartolomeo critofoi inventa el piano

  • Muere el compositor Johann Pachelbel

  • Muere Arcangelo Corelli Compositor y violinista Italiano.

  • Johann Sebastian Bach, compone the Branderburg Concertos.

  • Neoclassicism

    In the rest of the arts thle classic period was called Neoclassicism
  • Franz Joseph Hadyn

    One de most important music composers of the classical period
  • Opera Seria in Classic Period.

    In three acts with mythologycal or historical plots.
  • Religious Music

    The requiem mass was the most expresive form os Reliqious Music.
  • Period: to

    The Classical Period.

    This artistic movement was an reaction to the excesses ofs the Barroque period.
  • Period: to

    Instrumental Music. The Sonata

    Four Movements:
    *Sonata form,
    *Theme and variations, *
  • Period: to

    Sonata´s forms.

    *Trio, quartet, quintet.
    * Symphony,
    * Concerto
  • Period: to

    The Classical Orchestra

    • The role of the conductor appeared
    • Incorporation the Clarinet
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    Composer and pianist,one of the most influential musicians in the history of music
  • Christoph Willibald Gluck

    First performance of Orpheus and Eurydice.
  • Luigi Bocccherini

    starts his most prolific musical period in Spain
  • Ludwig van Beethoven

    Musician from the transition between the Cassical and the Romantic period, and one of the most important composers in the history of music.
  • Period: to

    Fernando Sor

    Was a Spanish guitarist and composer.
  • Vicente Martín y Soler

    First performance of Una Cosa Rara.
  • The Classic Period in Spain.

    Coincided with the enlightened despotism of Carlos IIIand carlos IV
  • Renaissance Music

    The modern period ended with the French Revolution
  • The French Revolution took place

    End to the Old Regime, characterised by an absolutist monarchy and a society divided.
  • Opera Buffa in Classic Period

    With everyday comic situations for plots and simple language.
  • Period: to

    Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga

    Know as The Spanish Mozart.
  • Symphonic music

    Synphonic Concerto.
  • Liberalism

    Defended civil liberties against monarchical despotism.
  • Vocal Music

    Zarzuela Grande and the genero chico in Spain.
  • Period: to

    Instrumental Music

    Were created the majority of instruments used today in fomal music
  • Period: to


    • Artistic and philosophical movement -Promoted by the bourgeoisie´
  • Period: to

    The first Industrial Revolution

    Population growth accelerated throughout the 19th century and large numbers of people emigrated to cities.
  • Period: to

    Key of the Romantic period

    • use key signatures, with sharps o flats.
    • Tonality. depends on the tonic note.
    • Modality. Depends on the mode that´s used in the piece of music.
    • Beats are divided as simple metres o compound metres.
  • Period: to

    Characteristics of the Romantic period

    Freedom from classical rules.
    Aiming for virtuosity.
    Use the melody to espress emotions.
    Use of a wider vocabulary to describe changes in dynamics tempo and character.
    Use the complex textures and harmonies.
    Creating inity in the piece throught resources like repetition.
  • Period: to

    The most outstanding creators of music for the piano

    Chopin, Liszt, Schubert, Brahma, Mendelssohn and Schumann.
  • Period: to

    Compositions for piano

    Short pieces for piano.
    Chamber music.
    Longer works.
  • Period: to

    Synphonic Music

    Programme Music. Narrative inspired by extra -musical elements.
  • Period: to

    Vocal Music

    Opera Italy: It developed bel canto ( Gaentano Donizetti and Vicenzo Bellini) and verinismo ( Giacomo Puccini).
  • Period: to

    Vocal Music

    Opera in France. It developed the grand opéra ( Meyerbeer was the creator) and the Operetta ( George Bizet with operas like Carmen ).
  • Period: to

    Vocal Music

    Opera in Germany: It aimed for the complete work of aart. Leitmotiv.
  • Period: to

    Vocal music

    Lied or romantic song of german Origin. Franz Schubert and Robert Schumann
  • Francisco Asenjo Barbieri

    Spanish composer
  • Death Franz Schubert

    Austrian composer
  • Symphonic music

    Synphonic poem. Franz Liszt..Movement in which different descriptive or poetic musical themes appeared.
  • Romantic dance and ballet

    In paris ( the Sylphide ). Cout dances were substitued forBallroon dances. The waltz very popular in Viena
  • Birth of Johannes Brahms

    German Composer
  • Death of Felix Mendelssohn

    German Composer
  • Nationalism

    Defended the idea that a state´s borders should coincide with its religious, ethnic, linguistic and historic natural borders.
  • Musical Nationalism

    Defence of the musical traditions of each country. Was particulary evident in countries where the musical influence of other nations was especially dominat. The most important countries are: Russia, Hungary and Spain.
  • Period: to

    Richard Wagner

    Composes The Ring of the Nibelung
  • Death Frédéric Chopin

    Polish composer.
  • Formation on the group The five in Russia

  • Death Robert Schumann

    German Composer
  • Imperialism

    Appeared like the british Empire and the French Empire.
  • Johann Strauss II

    Composes The Blue Danube.
  • Death Gioachino Rossini

    Italian composer of operas.
  • Period: to


    Established after the second Industrial Revolution.
  • Georges Bizet

    First performance of Carmen
  • Tomás Bretón

    First performance of la Verbena de la Paloma
  • Impressionism

    inspiration in nature and ubusual things, irregular rhythm and used imprecise melodic lines.
  • Impresionist Composers

    Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel.
  • Period: to

    Art in the 20th century

    Impressionism, Expressionism, Cubism, Futurism, Dadaism and Surrealism.
  • Period: to

    Movements from the first half of the 20th century

    Impressionism, expressionism, atonality, twelve-tone tecnique anda Neoclassicism.
  • Period: to

    THE 20th CENTURY

    Dramatic social, scientific and technological advances took place in the 20th century and also great wars.
  • Period: to

    20th-century music in Spain

    Manuel de Falla and Joaquín Tourina respresented Spanish musical nationalism and Joaquin Rodrigo and Federico Mompuo in the Generación del 27.
  • Death Giuseppe Verdi

    Italian composer
  • Period: to

    A new musical Language in the 20th century

    • Abandoning tonality: 2 scales, Pentatonic scales and Chromatic or twelve-tone scale.
    • Mixed metres and additve rhythm: Mixed metres and Additive rhythm
  • Period: to

    Characteristics of the music of the 20th century

    • Novelty and originality, new musical language, different ways of representing music and new instrumental resources.
  • Period: to

    Instruments of the 20th Century

    • Electrophones: The theremin, the ondes Martenot, the synthesiser, the samplerand
    • idiophones: the vibraphone.
  • 20th-century Ballet

    Ballets Russes, the most influence on the visual and musical renewal of the genre, Isadora Duncan.
  • Igor stravinsky

    First Performance of the Rite of Spring.
  • Expressionism

    Composed for small chamber esembles, used strong dissonances and used Sprechgesang.
  • Expressionist Composers

    Arnold Schönberg, Anton von Webern and Alban Berg.
  • Period: to

    First World War

    The Nazi Holocaust, Invention of the atomic bomb and the arms race between the EEUU and the URS
  • Russiam Revolution

    Led by Lenin
  • Neoclassicism

    Returned to classical aesthetics
  • Neoclassist´s works

    The ballet Pulcinella buy Igor Stravinsky. Composers as Sergei Prokofiev and Dmitri Shostakovich.
  • Maurice Ravel

    Premiere of Bolero
  • Atonality

    Free non-tonal music
  • The twelve-tone technique

    use of twelve -tone series built from the chromatic scale.
  • Sergei Prokofiev

    Premiere of Peter and the Wolf.
  • Carl Orff

    Premiere of Carmina Burana.
  • Period: to

    Second World war

    by the military expansion of the Nazi Germany.
  • Oliver Messiaen

    Conposes the Quarter for the end of Time.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

    between the Capitalist Bloc, led by the UUEEand the Comunist bloc led by the URS.
  • Aleatoric Music

    Based on chance and improvisation
  • Rock music

    Becomes Popular
  • Period: to

    Movements from the second half of the 20th century

    Aleatoric music, Mussique concréte,Electronic music, electroacuostic music and Minimal music.
  • Period: to

    20th-centuru music in Spain

    Generación del 51, exchange ideas with the outside world . The most composers were Luis de Pablo and Cristóbal Halffter.
  • Jhon Cage

    Composes 4´33"
  • 20th-centruy Contemporary Dance

    .Naturalness and freedom of the movements.Notables Choreographers, Pina Baush.
  • Mussique concrète

    Composers: Pierre Schaeffer, Pierre Boulez and edgar Verèse. Electrocoustic: German Karlheinz Stockhausen.
  • Mussique concrète

    Used sounds from the surroundings and modified them with technology.
  • Minimal Music Composers

    Steve Reich and Philip Glass.
  • Synthesisers

    Become Popular
  • Pau Casals

    Receives the United Nations Peace Medal
  • Walkman

    Sony releases the wlakman
  • Federico Mompou

    Receives the National Music Prize
  • Thriller by Michael Jackson

    The best-selling albun in history
  • Electronic music and electrtoacoustic music

    electronically -generated souns. Combined musique concrète and electronic music.
  • Minimal Music

    Created simple, direct music with minimal resources for composing.
  • Steve Reich

    Receives a Grammy Award
  • Cristobal Halffter

    First Performance of the opera Don Quijote