History Of Mathematics

  • Mathematics From 5 to 16

    Mathematics From 5 to 16
    Created by Her Majesty's Inspectorate, this was provided to create discussion on topics such as the need to agree on mathematical objectives for age groups and the use of mathematical writing in an age where calculators were becoming increasingly more common and accessible.
  • Non-statutory Guidance

    This was a revised plan before forming a national curriculum, it provided teachers with guidelines on what to teach and created ways of planning and discussing this in the hopes to prepare students, and staff for the national curriculum.
  • Standards Assessment tasks

    Standards Assessment tasks
    SATs were brought in for all seven year olds in the aim to increase understanding of individual student ability.
  • National Curriculum Consultation Report

    Aimed to reduce target setting and attainment goals, this did not affect the curriculum taught but made assessment arrangements more manageable.
  • Standard Assessment Tasks

    Standard Assessment Tasks
    Were introduced to all eleven year olds as a secondary format for formal assessment.
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    Standard Assessment Tasks

    A third set of SATs were intorudced to all fourteen year olds, but due to unpopularity and worries surrounding too much formal assessments were removed.
  • Numeracy Matters

    Numeracy Matters
    As one of the first acts of the new labour government this set out targets that 75% of 11 year olds were expected to achieve the goals planned for that age by 2002. One of this reports key points was emphasising the importance on mathematics in childhood and adult life, stating;
    "Numeracy means knowing about numbers and number operations. More than this, it requires an ability and inclination to solve numerical problems, including those involving money or measures."
  • Education Reform Act

    This is when a national curriculum was founded, this was the first time mathematics teachers had guidelines on what to teach classrooms, it allowed students to have the same knowledge in mathematics and a more structured plan for teachers.
  • Education Act

    This was one of the very first acts that made prominent changes to the curriculum itself. It provided distinctions between the key stages allowing the possibility for further change to Key Stage 4.
    One of the key concepts in this was the applications and implications of mathematics. The keep processes of mathematics were defined as; representing, analysing, interpreting, evaluating, communicating and reflecting, these were deemed vital to students.
  • National Curriculum Consultation Report

    National Curriculum Consultation Report
    Aimed to reduce stress on examinations by reducing target setting and attainment goals, this didn't affect what was taught in mathematics but did make assessment arrangement in this topic more manageable.