History Of Google

  • Larry and Sergy meet

    Larry and Sergy meet
    not sure the exact date Larry and Sergy meet at Staford
  • Period: to


  • Larry and Sergy's search engine backrub is being collaberated

    Larry and Sergy's search engine backrub is being collaberated
    I do not know the exaxt date they are collaberating the search engine BackRub
  • chagned the name to google

    chagned the name to google
    It did not say the exact date the brainstorm of the knew name for backrub. The knew name was ggogle because they wanted a seamigly infinite amount of information
  • tool bar

    do not the exact date the google tool bar is created
  • images

    do not know the exact date google images is created
  • maps

    do not know the exact date google maps is created
  • earth

    do not know the exact date the unveil of google earth
  • docs

    do not know the exact date google docs created
  • chrome

    chrome gets heard about
  • glasses

    do not know the exact date google glasses rellaesed to public
  • thought

    google thought is a thing were you search stuff in your head