History of Electricity

  • Thales

    A Greek mathmatician discovered that amber rubbed with animal fur attracted light objects.
  • Huang-ti

    Etheir had a polished piece of lodestone on a piece of wood or put a lodestone in a floating bowl so the bowl would face to the north.
  • William Gilbert

    William Gilbert
    Invented a tool called a versorium which is very similar to a compass
  • Otto Von Guericke

    Otto Von Guericke
    Built the first electric generator
  • Francis Hauksbee

    Francis Hauksbee
    Removed air from a glass bottle, rotated the bottle while rubbing it with a wool cloth and it made light
  • Stephen Gray

    Stephen Gray
    discoverd conductivity
  • Charles Du Fay

    Charles Du Fay
    came to the conclusion that everything and everyone had electricity
  • Pieter Van Musschenbroek

    Pieter Van Musschenbroek
    Invented a storage jar called a leyden jar
  • Ben Franklin

    Ben Franklin
    flew a kite with a key attached in a storm
  • Luigi Galvani

    Luigi Galvani
    Discoverd that dead frog's muscles twitched when it was placed near a electrical machine
  • Alessandro Volta

    Alessandro Volta
    invented the battery
  • Andre Ampere

    Andre Ampere
    experimented with electromagnetism
  • Georg Ohm

    Georg Ohm
    discovered the relationship among voltage, current and resistance
  • Thomas Alva Edison

    Thomas Alva Edison
    invented incandescent light bulbs
  • Nikola Tesla

    Nikola Tesla
    invented an alternating current