
History Of DNA

  • Friedrich Miescher Isolates DNA

    Friedrich found a protein rich in phosphorus, nuclein, when studying the chemistry of cells.
  • Walter Flemming Observed Mitosis

    Flemming was the first to observe and describe the process in which cells part and double during mitosis.
  • Chromosome Theory of Hereditary

    Walter Sutton observes the cell division process meiosis and discovered that the sperm and egg nuclei both have half sets of chromosomes.
  • The World Gene Coined

    Botanist Wilhem Johannsen discoverd the distinction between the phenotype and genotype traits.
  • One Gene, One Enzyme Theory

    George Beadle and Edward Tatum observed the mold Neurospora crassa and discovered that genes act through chemical events.
  • Jumping Genes

    Barbara McClintock observed genes and chromosomes and discovered that genes are able to jump around a chromosome. Before genes were known to have specific places on chromosomes.
  • 46 Human Chromosomes

    NIH researcher, Joe Hin Tijo, discovers that there are exactly 46 human chromosomes. Before his discovery the exact number was thought to be 48.
  • DNA Copying Enzyme

    During an experiment, Arthur Kornberg. isolated DNA from an E.Coli bacteria and added a salt solution and discovered that the DNA strands were able to produce new strands.
  • mRNA Ferries Info

    mRNA was discovered tp be a molecule from DNA that makes cytoplasm in cells.
  • Human DNA Sequence Begins

    The National Human Genome Research Institute began testing new methods on sequencing the human DNA genome.
  • First Restriction Enzyme Described

    Restriction enzymes, found in bacteria, cut DNA into strands when they infect the DNA.
  • First Animal Gene Cloned

    Researchers from Standford placed DNA from a African frog into the cell of Bacterium E.Coli and the frog DNA was copied.
  • DNA Sequencing

    F. Sanger created a new and faster method of DNA sequencing. His method was attaching a marker at the end of every DNA chain much different form the radioactivity method used earlier.
  • First Transgenic Mice and Fruit Flies

    Scientists discovered a method on how to transfer new and foriegn DNA into animals, the first being mice and fruit flies.
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction Invention

    The polymerase chain reaction primarily speeds the process of genetic reasearch. PCR can make billions of copies of DNA in just a few hours.
  • Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Research

    Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes are carriers of DNA. Researchers were trying to find a method on stabilizing them.

    Genetically modified foods were deemed healthy and safe by the FDA.
  • Yeast Genome Sequenced

    The first complete DNA genome, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, otherwise known as yeast was sequenced.
  • E.Coli Genome Sequenced

    The bacteria, E.Coli, which lives in the lower intestinal tract had its DNA genome sequenced.
  • Chromosome 22

    Chromosome 22 was created which had the power to clone DNA sequences.
  • Working Draft

    Researchers began searching for a method for the accelreation of DNA genome sequences on humans.