History of Distance Learning

  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to


  • Jan 1, 1445

    Country Walks to School

    People began walking miles and long distances to connect to teachers and other learners.
  • Books and more Books

    Movable type printing made the making of books massive and anyone who could read or wanted to learn to read, could learn almost anything, anywhere at anytime.
  • Homework via the Pony Express

    Isaac Pitman taught his pupils shorthand via correspondence. This form of symbolic writing was designed to improve writing speed and was popular amongst secretaries, journalists, and other individuals who did a great deal of note taking or writing. Pitman, who was a qualified teacher, was sent completed assignments by mail and he would then send his students more work to be finished using the same system.
  • The University of London

    the first University to offer Distance Learning degrees.
  • Just Call Your Teacher...

    Teacher and student connected regarding subject matters via the telephone additionally student to student discussions were occuring as well regarding class notes and course materials.
  • Term: Distance Learning

    The University of Wisconsin-Madison uses the term in a pamplet.
  • Listen and Learn

    The US Government granted many radio broadcasting licenses for educational programming but was never very successful.
  • First Testing Machine

    The first testing machine was invented. This device allowed students to tests themselves but wasn't very successful.
  • Watch and Learn!

    In-home Television! Public television stations began creating Open University courses which brought education into homes.
  • First Teaching Machine

    The First Teaching Machine was used created in schools by BF Skinner a Harvard Professor.
  • Computer Based Training

    The 1st computer based training program was introduced to the world. This computer based training program (or CBT program) was known as PLATO-Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations. PLATO functioned for four decades, offering coursework (elementary–university) to UIUC students, local schools, and other universities.
  • C.A.I in Schools

    Stanford University professors began using Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) to teach math and reading to young childrens. Additionally the first computer was installed in a community college for instructional use.
  • Open University and the Internet

    ARPANET commissioned US Dept. of Defense to create the Internet. Harold Wilson's Labour Government found the Open University which became the first institution to deliver ONLY distance learning; using mostly radio and TV to deliver content.
  • Computer Mouse & GUI

    Computer mouse and the GUI are invented, helping to define "modern comuting." Computer-based training begins at New Jersey Institute of Technology.
  • Online Communities

    The MacIntosh era begins. Online communities begin sharing information and paving the way for eLearning.
  • Digital TAKE-OFF!

    The first digital items are created and email erupts! Virtual learning environments begin and eLearning is a recognized term.
  • First Internet Course

    Penn State University's instructor Jerrold Maddox teaches the first course delivered over web. The course was "Commentary on Art".
  • Log in and Learn

    Fiber Optic connections spead up content sharing via email, websites and bulletin board systems.
  • eLearning

    Business rolled out courses to train employees. Many online learnng opportunities are available.
  • Friend Your Teacher

    Social media kicks off and accelerates communication making learning faster and expanding learning opportunities world-wide.
  • Smart Mobile Device

    Learning is more accessible than ever before. Smarter, smaller, portable devices make distance education so common that "almost everyone is doing it"!
  • Social Meda Learning

    YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, MOOCs, Skype, iTunes U are used to connect, share and learn any where, anytime!

    Internet, mobile devices, social internet - people have a personal learning network of resources, content and ideas.