History of Computers

  • First freely programmable computer came into play

  • Hewlett-Packard Started

  • British "Bombe" was created to break Nazi codes

  • The Williams Tube became the first practical RAM

  • Lyons Electronic Office became one of the first practical problem solving computers

  • MIT began experimentation on direct keyboard input on computers

  • Digital Equipment Corp. introduced the PDP-8, the first commercially successful minicomputer.

  • Hewlett-Packard entered the general purpose computer business with its HP-2115, offering a computational power formerly found only in much larger computers

  • The Apollo Guidance Computer made its debut orbiting the Earth on Apollo 7. A year later, it steered Apollo 11 to the lunar surface

  • The Kenbak-1, the first personal computer, advertised for $750 in Scientific American

  • The Micral was the earliest commercial, non-kit personal computer based on a micro-processor, the Intel 8008

  • Tandem computers tailored its Tandem-16, the first fault-tolerant computer, for online transaction processing

  • Adam Osborne completed the first portable compute

  • Apple introduced its Lisa, The first personal computer with a graphical user interface

  • Apple Computer launched the Macintosh, the first successful mouse-driven computer with a graphic user interface

  • The World Wide Web was created when Tim Berners-Lee developed HyperText MarkupLanguage.

  • Microsoft shipped Windows 3.0 on May 22

  • Linux was released to several Usenet newsgroups

  • ATI introduces their line of Radeon graphics products

  • The online encyclopedia Wikipedia is introduced

  • CD burners start getting run out by DVD burners as file size continues to grow

  • Apple opens the iTunes store

  • Unbuntu, a Linux based OS, was first released

  • YouTube is released as an online video sharing site

  • The Core 2 Duo by Intel shakes the world of processing with incredible performance but it uses less power than the Pentium 4

  • Google introduces Android as a mobile operating system

  • Solid State Drives start making an apperance in more notebook computers as the main storage over regular Hard Disk Drives

  • Google's g-mail is finally released after spending several years in Beta

  • Original Ipad is released

  • Intel announces the commercialisation of 3D transistors

  • Oculus Rift Came out

  • Adam Osborne completed the first portable computer