ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was the world’s first general-purpose computer.
    ENIAC was designed and built for the United States Army to calculate artillery firing tables. However, it was ENIAC’s power and general-purpose programmability that excited the public’s imagination. ENIAC weighed 30 tons and covered an area of about 1,800 square feet.
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    1st generation of computers

    the first-generation of comuters were very large,expensive,and required huge amounts of electricity. The ENIAC was the first- generation computer.
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    2th generation of computers

    The second generation of coputers used transistors instead of vacuum tubes.
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    3th generation of computers

    In this computers an integrated circuit (ic) is a small as a transistors but it can work as fast as thousands of them. Inteagred circuit made computers faster, cheaper and smaller than the second-generation computers.
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    4th generation of computer

    The fourth-generation of computers use microprocessors. A microprocessors consist of a small silicon chip on which thousands of circuits are placed. The fourth-generation of computers are smaller, portable and cheaper. They use less electricity and produce less heat
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    5th generation of computer

    The fifth-generation computers are the most advanced computers. Scientists are now trying to develop fifth-generation computers in a way that they can think on their own. This is called artificial intelligence (AL). Robots work on their technology.