History of Computers

By 180110
  • Konrad Zuse, The Z-1 Computer

    Konrad Zuse invented the Z-1 Computer, which was the first freely progamable computer
  • John Atanasoff & Clifford Berry, The ABC Computer

    John Atanasoff & Clifford Berry invented The ABC Computer, which was the first computer to spell.
  • Howard Aiken & Grace Hooper, The Harvard Mark 1

    In 1944, Howard Aiken & Grace Hooper invented the Harvard Mark 1, which was the largest computer in history. It was so powerful that it helped build the hydrogen bomb.
  • Frederic Williams & Tom Kilburn, Manchester Baby Computer

    In 1948, Frederic Williams & Tom Kilburn invented the first "baby computer." Which was the first version of a laptop.
  • Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce, The Integraded Circut

    In 1958, Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce invent the very first computer circut. Which was a big deal at the time.
  • Douglas Engelbart, Computer Mouse

    In 1964, The computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart. It was the first time you could acually click something.
  • Robert Metcalfe, The Ethernet Computer Networking

    In 1973, Robert Metcalfe invented The Ethernet Computer Network. This is the very first time a networking computer was used.
  • Steve Jobs & Steve Wazniak, Apple I

    In 1977, a small computer company called Apple founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wazniak, inveted the Apple I. This was the very first home computer.
  • Steve Jobs & Steve Wazniak, Apple II

    In 1980, Apple invented another very popular home computer, The Apple II. The Apple II was cheaper and smaller than the Apple II.
  • Apple, The iPod

    In 2001, Apple was at it again. This time they invented the iPod which was used to play music. It was not really a computer but it was still useful.
  • Apple, The iPhone

    In 2007, Apple introduced the iPhone. This even more usable than the iPod. It acually connected to the internet.
  • Apple, The iPad

    This was apple's last big sell. In 2010, Apple introduced the iPad which was bigger than the iPod and iPhone.