history of computers

By kyleg
  • Period: to

    history of computers

  • weaving loom

    Joseph marie jacquard, developed a weaving loom that used punch cards to replicate designs
  • idea of a computer

    This was a glorified addition and subtraction machine built out of leavers, it was built by Charles Babbage.
  • punch card calculator

    Created by Herman Hollerith to count the US Census.
  • completed the central component of the analytical machine

    Charles Babbage's son completed the central component of his fathers machine and the machine worked perfectly.
  • the electronic tube

    in 1906 Lee De Forest invented the vacuum tube that made the invention of electronic computers possible.
  • code breakers

    In world war two there were computers developed for breaking German encryption codes.
  • Harvard computer

    This computer developed at Harvard was the first programable calculator, it worked from using punch cards.
  • colossus

    The computer colossus was made in great Britain and it was used for code breaking because it was much faster than anything before it.

    This computers was for the ballistic research lab and it was capable of doing 100000 calculations a second.
  • the development of the transistor

    The transistor was developed to do the job of multiple electronic cubes. With this computers could use less electricity and give off less heat.

    This was the first computer to use magnetic tape for storage, it was developed at Princeton.
  • floppy disc

    The floppy disc was a storage creation, created by Dr Yoshiro Nakamats.
  • UNIVAC 1

    This was the first computer to be produced in quantity for business.
  • the integrated circuit

    This invention led to the introduction of the modern computer chip

    This was the most used computer language as well as the best known computer language because it has not only been use by professionals, it has been used by people at home.
  • mouse

    The first ever mouse was created in 1965 by Doug Engelbart.
  • first microprocessor

    first microprocessor
    The first microprocessor was called the f 14 tomcat.
  • altair

    The Altair was the first kit computer that could be purchased for $439.
  • grace hopper

    She found the first ever computer bug in a program.
  • computers become more popular

    With computers becoming more and more popular the prices of computers went down significantly.
  • first apple computer

    first apple computer
    the first apple computer was created in 1975 in California by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak