History Of Computers

  • The Difference Engine

    The Difference Engine
    It was made to calculate numbers to cut time needed to calculate and rule out human error. It was basically a calculator.
  • The Analytical Engine

    The Analytical Engine
    It was the same as the difference engine just that could calculate faster and use more complicated and advanced mathematical formulas.
  • The Turing Machine

    The Turing Machine
    The Turing machine was actually an algorithm that hinted at modern computer programs and formulas.
  • The Colossus

    The Colossus
    This was an electrical code machine that would encrypt and decrypt messages
  • Semiconductor Device and Lead Structure

    Semiconductor Device and Lead Structure
    This was the first computer chip and was invented by Robert Noyce.
  • PDP-1

    DEC created PDP-1, a computer that needed no air conditioning and required only one operator, sometime in 1960. This computer was also used to create the first computer game, though this did not occur for another two years.

    This was the first hard disk drive, invented by IBM, a computer company.
  • Shakey

    Shakey was the first robot with some form of artificial intelligence. It used a program called STRIPS to solve problems. It was made by SRI
  • MQ-1 Pedator

    MQ-1 Pedator
    The MQ-1 was invented by General Atomics in 1990 and released in 1995. It was an unmanned aircraft. It has been mainly used by the USAF (united states air force) and the CIA (central intelligence agency). It has been deployed in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Somalia.
  • Iphone

    The first Iphone was made by Apple and Motorola, using the itunes system.