History of computers

  • The Complex Number Calculator (CNC) is completed

    The Complex Number Calculator (CNC) is completed
    Considered the first remote acess computing.
    I chose this event because the first remote controlled thing seemed important.
  • The first Bombe is completed

    The first Bombe is completed
    It was a way to intercept and decode Nazi military communications. I chose this because this would have played a big part in WW2.
  • The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) is completed.

    The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) is completed.
    Is the basic for many simple computer ideas. I chose this because without this computer we would not have had the same technology today
  • Engineering Research Associates of Minneapolis built the ERA 1101

    Engineering Research Associates of Minneapolis built the ERA 1101
    It was the first commercially produced computer.
    I chose this event because the first commmercially produced computer seems very important.
  • The IBM 650 magnetic drum calculator produced

    The IBM 650 magnetic drum calculator produced
    The IBM 650 magnetic drum calculator established itself as the first mass-produced computer, with the company selling 450 in one year. I chose this event because now we see computers start to become part of daily life for some people.
  • American Standard Code for Information Interchange invented

    American Standard Code for Information Interchange invented
    American Standard Code for Information Interchange was basically a basis for binary code, using a string of ones and zeros to help computers communicate.
  • Victor Scheinman´s Creates Stanford Arm

    Victor Scheinman´s Creates Stanford Arm
    Victor Scheinman created te first successful electronic compute controlled arm. Later on, Victor made advancements to the arm till the point where it could build a cars water pump.
    I choose this event because today when building cars, th entire thing is assembaled by robots. So the Stanford arm was a begining for an industry technique.
  • The TV Typewriter is designed

    The TV Typewriter is designed
    A typewriter that you could hook your TV monitor up to and it would work as a computer. I choose this event because this seemed like a cool development.
  • Xerox Palo Alto Research Center designed the Alto

    Xerox Palo Alto Research Center designed the Alto
    It was the first work station that used a built in mouse.
    Mouses are used everyday now i desktops, so this is the begining of technology still used today.
  • Adam Osborne completed the first portable computer

    Adam Osborne completed the first portable computer
    It was the first portable computer.
    This was important because the main type of computer today is PC's so it was the begining of an era.