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History of Astralia

  • First

    The Dutch were the first the sail to Austraila, they were attacked by the aborigines and never came back.
  • Sailing

    Captain hook sailed around australia, he named the area New South Wales. He avoided the aborigines living there and claimed the land for England.
  • The First Fleet

    The First Fleet
    British ships called the first fleet left england with convicts to establish a prison coloney.
  • Baby Names

    Baby Names
    In 1804, the British navigator Matthew Flinders proposed the names Terra Australis or Australia for the whole continent, reserving "New Holland" for the western part of the continent. He continued to use "Australia" in his correspondence, while attempting to gather support for the term.
  • History of Astralia

    History of Astralia
    In 1926, the British government agreed the Balfour Declaration – that Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa were completely independent countries,
  • Friends

    In 1967 the federal government began passing legislation to help Aborigines
  • Cutting ties

    Cutting ties
    The Australia act: all legal ties with the British Empire were severed