History of Argentina

  • 1480

    The Incas Conquer Northern Argentina

    The Incas were the first to locate and make Argentina their home.
  • 1516

    Argentina Explored by Juan Diaz de Solis

    Juan Diaz de Solis was the first person to truly explore the country of Argentina.
  • 1580

    Buenos Aires is settled

    Argentina's capital, Buenos Aires, was settled. It is one of the main tourist sites in the country.
  • Argentina Gains Independence

    On July 9th, Argentina declared its independence from Spain.
  • A Constitution is Adopted

    The Argentina constitution, formed by a constitutional assembly, was accepted throughout the country and quickly adopted.
  • The Government is Overthrown

    The military decided to overthrow the inefficient government of Argentina.
  • Peron Becomes President

    The former army colonel, Juan Domingo Peron, is elected president. His wife, Evita, was favored by the workforce.
  • Peron Leaves Argentina

    Juan Domingo Peron decided to flee the country due to protests from the Catholic Church.
  • Peron Dies

    Juan Domingo Peron died of a heart attack at the age of 78. His third wife, Isabel, took over as president.
  • The Dirty War

    The military replaced Isabel and started the Dirty War. During this war/campaign, around 30,000 Argentinians disappeared or were killed or wounded.
  • The Dirty War Ends

    The Dirty War campaign finally came to an end.